Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reading the Bible in a Year...continued

Today marks 14 consecutive days of reading the Bible, with my goal of completing it in 365 days. So far, I've have not used busyness or other excuses not to read it. I'm learning a lot by reading it in smaller increments as well.

Initial Post on Reading the Bible in 365 Days

Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Cleaning Started

No one ever said they loved to clean, especially after a long, cold winter. However, the thought of everything "fresh" brings in a new perspective regarding the process of "spring cleaning".

Even after several moves, I am finding I can live without a lot of what I have - books! For a long time I would visit every book sale in the area, and then some. We'd buy more book shelves just to accommodate them.

Then came the hardships of our economic financial crisis. Less money, less money for gas, layoffs, decline in jobs...........less everything. Extras have to be eliminated. Even some thrift stores have raised their prices to the point in which they are not even affordable.

Soon, my boxes of outgrown clothes and books I no longer want or need, were donated. Yet, a box ready to be filled awaits my decluttering and reducing. With a simple house I can wake up every day with a smile.

This week, since the wind is pretty strong, throw rugs are being washed. Even though rains may come again this month, it is nice to know they are clean and the job finished.

Next on the list is undecided, but starting in the kitchen or living room is a possibility. I can say that I will not be throwing myself into it 24 hours a day and obsessing with it, but taking it one day at a time.

Kids Cook Night: Chicken Chilindron with Bolillos (Spanish Hard Rolls)

I am proud to say that my 15 yo daughter, who has a distaste for cooking and baking, successfully made dinner last night. Not only that, but it was delicious. Spanish class in school required her to take part in a project for a classroom grade. Unfortunately I did not get a photo of it, due to her filming the process, the eating and end of the meal. If it wasn't for her Spanish class project, I don't think she would have discovered she can enjoy cooking.

Once again, the recipe was one from the Nintendo DS game, Personal Trainer: Cooking. Not only can the kids get step-by-step instructions out loud, but they can stop it and continue by talking directly into the game. It records the meals that are made, and it's really helping the kids expand their knowledge, confidence, and independence.

The meal was a success and I had the chance to finish a book while she cooked with her younger 12 yo sister. Yum!

Newest Crochet Project: Another blanket

(Back side of blanket)

My son is the first to graduate, so I am working on a blanket for his hope chest. Who ever said boys won't need anything when they move out and are on their own? His choice of colors were black and red. This blanket is experimental, so if it doesn't turn out nice, I'll be making another one. I'm simply using single crochet, and working in the new color using a spike stitch. I never heard of this stitch, but found out about it in the book, "Teach Yourself Visually Crocheting" by Kim P. Werker and Cecily Keim. I'm only a beginner, so bare with me. I'm not yet ready to move onto the fancy stuff.

This book is wonderful and has step-by-step pictures for stitches and projects.

Teach Yourself Visually Crocheting, by Kim P. Werker and Cecily Keim

Check your local library before buying a copy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Watching the Sunrise Today

Today I showered early, took my Bible and a hot steaming cup of organic coffee to the front porch. Even though our farm house looks over a 2-lane highway, I was determined to watch the sunrise. My daughter soon joined me, and together we watched.

Just as the pink clouds were dissipating, and the sun was barely rising from the Earth, a fascinating thing happened. Out of no where a young deer ran through the farm fields and stopped directly in front of the sunrise. He/she stopped for a few minutes looking in the direction of the sunrise, and then ran back to our side of the highway, and returned to the woods behind us. We almost had a runaway dog, but managed to keep him from seeing the deer.

What a wonderful way to start the day. Absolutely beautiful!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Blast to the Past - Summer Library Theme for 2009 - The Oregon Trail and Westward Expansion

As an avid reader, and profound love for the pioneer life, I went searching for more books at the library. I found a series by Al Lacy that I had not read and have already started the second in the series. Be sure to include these series in your summer reading.

The Angel of Mercy Series, by Al Lacy
*Book 1: A Promise for Breanna
*Book 2: Faithful Heart
*Book 3: Captive Set Free
*Book 4:

After starting to read this series, I found that a series was printed prior to this one. I am searching inter loan locations to read them.

The Journeys of the Stranger Series, by Al Lacy

I hope you enjoy these books and take time to read this summer. Children who see their parents read are encouraged. Encouraged children succeed.

Dandelions in the country - a different view

Growing up we'd pick dandelions and give them to our Mom thinking they were the most beautiful flowers. Then as we grew up, married and went our separate ways, my siblings and I found ourselves cringing at the sight of dandelions. Money was spent on killing them and money spent on fertilizing and growing new grass. Killing them for the sake of a green yard became a part of city life.

Now, in the country, dandelions have a different look.

"Look at all those dandelions coming up", I said disgruntled to the kids.

"I think they look pretty against the red barns", said my 15 year old daughter smiling.

Living in the country gives us a different perspective on something, that at one time in our life, was seen as a nuisance. Amazing.

Today, the Lord has provided us with gleaming sunshine and a strong breeze. My laundry should dry in minutes with this wonderfully provided weather. The dogs are begging to run and play already.

I am hoping we can afford supplies to fix the chicken coop this weekend. The chicks are growing quickly and have outgrown their chicken wire covered box that is in the house.

Last night we watched the move, "Faith Like Potatoes", and thoroughly enjoyed it. We all need faith like potatoes in our life. If you haven't seen this movie, which is based in Africa, you should check your library for it. It truly is a good movie.