Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Books ~ Decluttering and Reducing

In the midst of cleaning through the house with flylady, I have discovered many books that can be donated to different organizations.  I am not only helping myself stay sane, but giving those extra books to others, who can benefit from them.

Here are several ideas on what to do with your unwanted books or books that can no longer be read, but can be put recycled into something new:  Ideas for Books

Sharing More Good Books ~ Wild Game and Goats

I found this book at the library.  It's amazing.  Full of recipes for many different types of wild game, including dove, duck, moose, elk, frog legs, cougar, coot, buffalo, quail and even raccoon.  Alligator is not left out of this book either.  It's been interesting reading the recipes for bear, grouse, porcupine, pigeon, pheasant, lynx, javelina, ground hog, goat, and so much more.  It's amazing how people survived by trapping these types of wild game for food.

I just received my guide to goats, from the library.  I'll be starting to research the caring for dairy goats.

Laundry Soap Making Day

I am making another 5 gallon bucket of laundry soap today.  It's been days since I have written anything, other than an e-mail (ha ha!) and my blog.   As long as I can buy zote soap, borox and washing soda, I'll never buy bottled or boxed store bought laundry soap again.  It's been a huge savings in our lives.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Writing Thank You Notes

I was astonished that a recent swagbucks survey showed that 60% of people (who entered the survey) said they do not send a written thank you note for Christmas/Hanukkah presents.  Really?!

Is this a long forgotten part of proper etiquette that people have forgotten?  In my opinion, I think that by teaching our children to write thank you notes, we are going well beyond helping them learn appreciation, and being thankful.  We are also teaching them writing habits, creative writing, and to acknowledge (and appreciate) the gift giver's extended hand.  It teaches kids to be caring and loving.  I'm amazed that so many people do not write thank you notes. 

Even a simple piece of construction paper can be created into the most amazing thank you note.  I have one on my S.C.R.A.P. blog that my sister made using an empty M & M wrapper.  Here is a photo of her most recent thank you note.  It is not only extremely creative, it is frugal and full of personality and love.

"Thanks a Million" is the theme for this thank you note:
It is a piece of construction paper, folded to create a money wallet, and stapled to hold the shape.  Inside the wallet is fake money, made from more construction paper.  Each "bill" contained a personal thank you note from each gift recipient.  How cool is that? 

Here are creative ideas for what to write in a thank you note.

"Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone."  ~G.B. Stern

"Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel."  ~Author Unknown

"Every time we remember to say “thank you”, we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.”
~Sarah Ban Breathnach

Taking Time for Myself ~ Good Books

I am absolutely loving this book.  I found out that this is volume 2 and there are many more to read.  If you want to read diaries of women who traveled across the U.S. in covered wagons you will enjoy this book.

 I ran out of dandelion root that I dug up over the summer, so the tea I made today was using a dandelion teabag.  I love a good cup of tea with a good book.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Steel-cut Oats

I'm sharing our favorite steel-cut oats recipe.  It's a great way to start the day, or a healthy after school snack for kids.

Healthy Start

My days are so short anymore, especially with having to restock firewood, hanging the laundry outside, and other chores that I decided it was time to start getting back in shape.  It's not a "new year" thing for me.  Today was day 3 in going back to the gym to work out.  I have to say, it wasn't as hard as I thought, considering I had been splitting wood by hand and other work around here. 

If I want to be a better writer, I need to have better health.  We hit the gym at 5am this morning.  This means we preset the coffee pot for 4:30am so I can down a cup of coffee and a banana.