Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Sanity Saver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanity Saver. Show all posts

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Day on the Sanity Saver ~ More Green Bell Peppers


Posting late this morning, and after the sun is coming up.  We slept grand last night.  My husband set up a motorcycle ride with some friends and family on Saturday.  We were literally on the bike from 10am to past 7pm.  It was a long day, but a very nice ride, and we both needed it.

Although, the ride day put us behind on the chicken coop, it was great weather for us.  When we arrived home, the wind picked up, due to neighboring weather, and the island ferry (hour away or so) shut down.  The wind was that bad.

That's me on the left.  The homesteader with a passion for riding our motorcycle.  A friend took this photo.

Marble Lake, Coldwater, MI.  I thought we were in Quincy, ha ha!  That's the fun of a ride.  We did go through Quincy, but the ride ended at Marble Lake.  Beautiful trees, and blue water there.

I'm terrible at getting photos on a motorcycle ride day. My cell is in the trunk of the bike the entire time, as it should be.  It's just a time to relieve the mind of everything.

I have not even thought about meals today either, ha ha!  The wind has subsided this morning.  We are in the 70's now, which makes outdoor work easier and more comfortable. 

We are still getting some decent size green bell peppers.  We have not had rain in a while, and may get some later next week.  I am not watering anything that we left in the garden.  The 200 feet of hose is being reeled in and put away for now.  If the peppers produce more, we are thankful, and if the plants die off, it will be time to yank them for the season.  These 7 that I picked may be slightly small, but they are thick and nice and fresh.  I will use them for either a breakfast or dinner dish.

The weekend is not over yet, so we hope to get more work done, followed by some down time.  I hope you are enjoying your weekend.