Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Showing posts with label Aldi's Quarter Holder Keychain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aldi's Quarter Holder Keychain. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Stuck in a Rut

Being stuck in the house day after day has gotten me lazy. I'm off track with homemade gifts this year.  Not to mention baking.  I am writing out a list to get back on track.  Oye.  I need out of this rut.

Finished 4 of the Adli's quarter holder keychains.  I think they are adorable.

I made cashew brittle for Christmas.  I hid this batch, but we'll see if they find it before Christmas.

Made one batch of Paprika Dry Rub to gift.  It's for turkey or chicken.  Good for a year once made.  I recycled some glass jars that were the perfect size for gifting (organic tomato paste jars).  I just have to label them and pack the bags for delivery. Recipe is from Taste of Home (online).

Recipe I want to try, but will cut recipe in half.


Friday, December 18, 2020

Random Ramblings

Yesterday morning, right after I put up my blogpost, our internet service went out.  I literally stayed in jammies until I got that back up and running.  I had items in two carts to get ordered.  I'm pretty much stuck in this house until the car / truck issues are completed.

We can't start on the bathroom remodel until winter is over.  Our house would be freezing cold, not to mention I can't paint in there either, so that is frustrating. 

I could however (after Christmas) unload the bookshelves in the hall, move the bookshelves and hire a friend to come re-floor the hallway.   The carpet is old and worn and new flooring needs to go into about every room in the house.'s on the possibility list.

I have created a new crochet item.  Not sure if it will sell well, but I plan to get more made for next year's craft shows.  It's an Aldi's quarter holder.  I know one daughter here could use it.  I plan to make some with hooks as well, so it can be clipped inside a purse or car.

Before  you head to your local dollar store for tuck in gifts made in China, head to Walmart instead.  I found these cute memo pads for $.98 and they are made in Vietnam.  By the way, it took me an hour to find them.  I bought them a while back and could not figure out where I had put them, as one was a tuck in for a gift.  Finally found them when I started wrapping birthday presents for Youngest.

The snow is still falling here, but light and not that much.  It's sort of pretty out too.  The chickens hate it for some reason.  It's still pretty cold here though.

Our hired mechanic never came back.  My husband replaced parts last night in the car, but ran into one more part that needs replaced.  He was too tired after work to start on the truck.  Brakes will be worked on this weekend.

Oh, our other daughter's test came back negative.  She is a happy gal.  So are we.

I'm up early to stoke the fire and plan the day.  It'll be a busy weekend for us.