Thursday, August 29, 2024

This and That

I decided to stop in for a chat, but my post ended up sort of long.  I apologize in advance, ha ha!

Hard to believe that we are nearing the very end of August.

The garden(s). . .

What happens when your barn cats have expired, and either field mice or chipmunks find your beans.  Good reason to have a solar electric fence if you don't have a good rodent control.  

First good haul, but not even close to last year's harvest.  I'm thrilled to get what we do get.  I brought in another 3# the other day too.

Bell peppers are rolling in, and they are about 1/4 inch thick.  I don't feel this particular pepper smells as good as the type we grew last year, so I will looking that up in my garden journal for reference.  Taste is important too.

Meals have been based on what I brought in from the garden.  It has been nice to have fresh canteloupe for breakfast.  We haven't grown fruit in the garden for several years (due to space).

We literally sliced our very first tomato August 27th.  The harvest has been that bad for the tomatoes, but only because the rabbits ate down the first planting (that garden is fenced now).

Canning?  Zero canned this year.  So far, anyway.

The chickens . . .

Due to my husband's other obligations, we have made zero progress on the new chicken coop. 

Handiwork . . .

Thanks to the free evenings by myself (due to my husband's obligations), and with little from the garden to can/freeze or dehydrate (combined with awfully hot weather), I have gotten my crochet hook out.  I just have not been in the "mood" to even crochet at all lately.

I crocheted us a new kitchen dish scrubbie, as my current one was wearing thin.  When I purchased the yellow netting, the clerk shorted me on yards, so thankfully I had netting scraps to stuff it with.

I have also finished another crocheted lap afghan, using a mix yarn in my yarn stash.

Home Repairs/Cleaning and Organizing . . .

-Master bathroom was completely finished.  Other than a few small things like replacing the broken toilet paper holder.  I do plan to install new "under the sink" mats and cabinet shelf liner.

-I have been purging the "office" room (slowly), so we can eventually rip out the old carpet.  It is a small room, but we have a lot of books and writing materials to purge.

-a little at a time, I am going thru stuff in my utility room.  I've purged this room and prepared it for new paint so many times, and it became the dump station for everything while working on other rooms.  I may be pushing this room to next year, or moving it on the to-do list for winter.

-garage clean up is still in limbo due to hot weather.

-purchased clothesline to install a new one,  as my old one is wearing down.

Herbs/Winter Prep . . . 

-dehydrated thyme for cooking, but it also comes in handy for a medicinal tea if anyone gets a bad cough or whatnot.

-started oregano oil for medicinal reasons, and for cooking.

-dehydrated sage for meals and for sage tea, and we have plenty of sage tincture for treating sore throats if needed.

-froze a batch of Thai basil pesto.  I have started a propagation of Thai basil to grow indoors.  Here's hoping I am successful.

....if you are still reading

Self-care. . .

We finally got back to hiking, and got two in the books.  There is still intentional exercise going on here as well, and of course healthy meals/snacks.

I'm looking into making a new homemade skincare (lotion) product.  I continue to make homemade hair detangler (with marshmallow root), homemade toner (with butterfly pea flower, and homemade face serum (using homemade rosehip seed oil).

The weather . . .

We recently had a heat wave come our way, and with no rain.  the temperatures soared up to 100°F.  There are reports of drought all over the area.  I've only been watering what I feel will produce more harvest.

The same evening of the hottest day, we had a severe, and unannounced storm roll in.  The wind was no joke!  Power outages, trees down, and debris everywhere.  Luckily, our power stayed on.  Many towns had destruction, and many people lost their gardens.  Oddly, what's left in our garden was not harmed.

This and That © August 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Nothing tastes as good as fresh from the garden produce!

  2. Your garden produce looks delicious. I love cantaloupe and have been buying it from a local farm stand. They are as big as my head and SO sweet.
    It sounds like you've been very busy, even finding time to crochet. Love both of those projects.
    Stay cool. We've been having horribly hot weather for a couple of weeks with temperatures over 100F. It has rained this evening so I'm hoping it will break the heat a bit.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. Betsy, our fruit is not that big, as we are in somewhat of a drought with only getting rain 2 times this entire month. We are watering, but we do have a well. I sure hope it cools down for the both of us.

  4. Those tomatoes sure look good.

  5. I love eating from the garden. Especially cantaloupe.

  6. Hey Kristina,, You had better luck with your garden than I did... we got hammered by Grasshopper infestation! they even destroyed my roses! UUGGHH!!!
    Your Afghan turned out lovely..
    One of these days I will learn how to crochet the little pot scrubbies.. so sorry you got shorted on the netting..
    have a relaxing week...

  7. Katmom, sorry to hear about the grasshoppers. I have something eating my green beans and I am considering letting the chickens run free in there to clean up whatever is in there. The scrubbies I make are 20 yards of netting, so I buy it in 10 yards, and cut 3 inch strips, using two to make each one.

  8. R's Rue, it has been nice having fresh fruit for all of our meals this year.

  9. You have been busy! Nice looking produce!

  10. Far Side of Fifty, thanks, I'm happy to get what we got from the garden this year.


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