Pioneer Woman at Heart

One Flourishing, Frugal and Fun Family!

One family learning to live off the land, cut back on expenses, and to live a simpler and a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Adopted Motto

"Eat it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do,
Or go without."
~A Pioneer Sampler, by Barbara Greenwood~

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Strawberry Season ~ Peach Season (Wham-Bam!)

I wish there was 6 of me to get all the "things" done around here right now.   Work has been done based on the weather and needs.  Basically, there are projects/jobs around here not completely finished.  It drives me bonkers, but we work on them daily.  If my husband was retired, it would be much different, but it's not the case.  

On top of losing the tomatoes recently, we have a plethora of rabbits. Apparantly this is a wide case issue in the area this year.  Rabbit stew?  They are a huge problem if they continue to eat my herb garden and get into the vegetable/fruit garden.  It may come to that if grocery prices continue to rise.

Is it me, or are prices soaring again?  I could not believe the cost of blueberries at the grocery store the other day.

I actually considered going back to work vs. doing the garden/homesteading thing this year.  I also contemplated getting a part time job and still maintain a smaller garden.  Everything is so high on cost right now it is sickening.

We were blessed with some cool breeze days after the rain finally quit, and the 90 degree heat left us.  It was nice to open windows and let fresh air in.  The heat is returning, and our AC had yet to turned on.  If it's been tolerable, we just run a fan or open windows, to save on that summer electric bill.

It's strawberry season in our area right now.   June bearing strawberries are just what they are - bearing fruit for a short time in June and that is it, so putting up time is about a week or two.  However, the season is about to end as fast as it started.

Canning reduced sugar jam is done, and freezing what we'd like, is in the process.

South Carolina peaches are starting to appear at our local produce stands as well, and all at the same time this year.  I asked around, and no one is getting Georgia peaches.  They are telling me that they have not gotten them over the last two years (which we know due to weather).  We are trying the South Carolina peaches this year.

We do have one peach tree, but we've only gotten peaches from it once.  It's still alive, but has not done well here.  We may plant more fruit trees next spring.  Our apple trees did well last fall.

I absolutely love Strawberry Margarita Jam (link goes to the online recipe at Better Homes and Garden Canning Recipes), but it is loaded with sugar.  I gifted it one year I believe, and even did a barter one year.  Some year I will can it again. Just not this year.  

Of course, we are enjoying the strawberries fresh as well, as we await for the peaches to become a good ripe stage.  I keep having a talk with them, and that I need them to ripen sloooowwwwllly during this gardening season.  

So much to do.


Sandi said...

I find Aldi has the lowest prices around here. Two days ago I bought a 24 oz bag of frozen blueberries for $3.27.

I don't know how they do it.

Anne in the kitchen said...

You are correct about the price of groceries. They keep going up and up and up.
I often wonder how some parents, particularly single parents can manage to put food on the table. I am very grateful our church gives food away every other week. It is always enough for a family of four for several days.

Betsy said...

The grocery prices are horrible this year. They just keep going up and up. I'm so grateful that I'm not feeding teenage boys right now like we were 25 years ago. We were going through 10 gallons of milk a week. We'd be broke now. It's hard on a retirement budget but luckily we tried to save too.

Leigh said...

You get June bearing strawberries in June! Seems so novel, since I get mine in April. I have yet to get enough to actually put up, however - too many critters and crawlies helping themselves.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Sandi, I am hoping to make a visit to an Aldi's soon. We have a drive to any store where we live, so I don't go to town too often. I am hoping to find some items at much lower prices.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Anne in the kitchen, I know my kids struggle, so when I have something canned that is in abundance, I share with them. I hope to share some garden goods, but it all depends on the weather.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Betsy, it's so difficult for anyone to buy groceries right now, and other supplies.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Leigh, I do have to purchase from a local grower, but in the past I have painted rocks red and put them all around the strawberry plants. It helps keep the birds out. We are waiting to expand our strawberries. Every year we make a plan, and it gets put on the bottom of the list.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Aldi has the best prices for fruit. Your strawberries look great! I like a plain salad with strawberries, blueberries and a bit of a sharp white cheese:)

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Far Side of Fifty, thanks. That salad sounds interesting.