Thursday, June 27, 2024

Rainy Day


Photo is June of 2023.  The zucchini plants grew to almost 6 feet tall last year, thanks to our compost pile.  I have yet to check on the garden after a torrential downpour.

We had flood warnings, flooded areas, and it was worse north of us. 

Strange weather this year, and mostly frustrating for gardeners.

Another strange event. . .

I walked out the door a few days ago, and right in the driveway, not very far from me stood a baby deer.  No Mom around.  Of course I think I scared it, because it ran off, but a very rare sight around here.  At least that close to the house anyway.

Rainy days can be productive here.

I took advantage of the rainy day and purged/organized "stuff."

I emptied 4 plastic storage drawers of craft supplies, of much will be donated.  A few items went to other people (or will go soon).  A few items went to the garage, like my eye screws I used for crafting.

I also emptied two entire totes from the garage.  I had a tote of tablecloths I no longer use.  I also had a entire tote of saved baby blankets from when I raised the kids.  The blankets are all going to be donated, aside from any the kids want. I also eliminated one large tote of yarn.

I also found a bag of scrap balls of cotton yarn, leftover from knitting dishcloths to sell last year.  The yarn is all twisted up and a hot mess.  I have yet to decide on that mess.  It's either toss it all, or try to rescue it on another rainy day, and then donate it all.  I have no plans to crochet anything with it.  

I may get that rainy day to do more purging too.  Rain is in the forecast for the weekend. 

I would not be purging my craft supplies, had we sold more last year, but sadly no one in the area supports handmade right now.  So basically, I closed my doors on the craft shows for good.  Too much work for no income.  Does it sadden me a bit?  Yes, but now I can crochet/knit on my own time, and not feel the pressure of having it all made by a certain time.  I had a TON of inventory for this last show, and it's now down to a few items thanks to one of my kids (she took it all and sold "mystery" bags).

Speaking of closing doors, another business in my home town (other than Rite Aid stores) is closing it's doors.  Another business in another town nearby is also closing it's doors.  It just seems as if more and more are closing.  

Rainy Day  © June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. So many businesses are going belly up and shutting up and for some it is too much work for too little return.

  2. I heard Walgreens is closing a bunch of stores also. Good job on the purge!!


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