Saturday, June 29, 2024

More Rain ~ The Craft Purge ~ New Recipe Tried

 The rain is flowing again here.  The weeds are getting taller, ha ha!  Some garden seasons can be a real struggle.

Today is probably the most boring post of all times.  It's the time after planting, and the wait in between the rain storms time of year.

I spent more time purging craft supplies.  I had everything you wouldn't even think of, and some in mass amounts thinking I would make and sell some new items I was making.  I literally had a bag full of medicine cups for crafting, and have had them since before 2011! 

In 2011 I made Christmas ornaments with them, using belt buckle pieces for top and bottom, added the tiny bird, and used embroidery floss for the hanger and added a scrap bead that was part of a set of beads I was given.  Oh, and a circle of red felt.  Very creative, ha ha!  I wish kids were creative more than on their electronics these days.  

Anyway, I emptied several more containers of crafting stuff.  Much is in boxes to go to recovery home for those with addictions (some have their kids with them).  They are getting most of my supplies.  Anything else will go to the donation station (local thrift store, that is not a chain).

There are a few more expensive craft supplies I may attempt to sell, but when I was on the sale online sites, there is another person "going out of business" with her craft sale supplies and finished crafts.'s not just me.

In the process of my (sigh of relief) craft purge, my husband fell into the process and put some jeans in the boxes to donate.  No more space wasters, as I told him.  Let someone else use it, wear it, etc.

Blueberry Lemon Power Bites (Clean Food Crush online).  I tried a new recipe.  I mean what else can I entertain my blog readers with, besides cleaning and organizing right now? 

These start with raw cashews, pitted dates and dried blueberries.  All done in the food processor and then chilled in the fridge.  Oh, the real lemon juice and lemon zest is a bonus.

They are delicous!  I still like the peanut butter energy bites I make, but this gives us another option, and boy are they good.  Just be sure to read your dried blueberry package.  Some of the packages include sugar and bad oils.  Others contain apple juice.  I may be dehydrating some blueberries this year, but that is my least favorite way to stock up on them. Anyway, they are very good!

On a side note:  I roasted my raw cashews.  If you have ever tasted a "raw" cashew, they taste terrible.  I let them cool before making these.  I also used organic/non-gmo ingredients.  Recipe on requires 2 Tbsp. of honey, as the pitted dates give a natural sweetness.

Something I learned:  you can add chia seeds to your scrambled eggs, for more protein, overall health, and it will help you feel full longer.  

As for closings, Walgreens are closing more doors now.

More Rain ~ The Craft Purge ~ New Recipe Tried © June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Such a great idea in using the medicine cups. I remember as I was growing up, I was constantly looking for things to make crafts out of. Something like this never crosses most kids minds. Their creative minds are not developing. Your new recipe looks delicious and healthy.

  2. It can feel good to have a good clean out and get rid of what has just become something we have but never use anymore.

  3. Shug, thank you. Yes, kids are not being as creative as they could be.

    Jo-Anne's Ramblings, yes, it feels good to remove what we are not using or do not intend to use.


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