Tuesday, June 18, 2024

It's Hot!

We've entered a heat wave, and yesterday we had a heat index of 102°F.  No one is enjoying the outdoors right now.  The chickens are being treated with frozen treats, ice water, and I have even frozen water in a tin.  I am also freezing water in bottles that I put inside their watering unit to keep their water nice and cold.   I have more treats in the freezer for today, but the forecast is saying the heat wave will last the entire week.  It is unusual for us to have such hot weather this early in the summer.

Our red raspberries are slim pickings.  I have to water the plants this week, as the rain we were to get, never arrived.  Watering the entire garden and flower beds is a full time job this week.

That's a bell pepper dipped in a new hummus recipe I made.  It's a red lentil hummus, and my gosh is it creamy and good.  I used 1/2 cup tahini (recipe said 1/4th), and used 3 cloves of garlic (recipe said 2).  It is higher in protein and less fat, and does not contain olive oil.

I have made red lentil hummus before, but used a different recipe.  There are many online, but if you want to try this one, it's called "Easy Lentil Hummus" by "It doesn't taste like chicken" online.

It''s Hot! © June 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I bet those hot temperatures are hard on those chickens. Good idea about the ice.
    I like red lentils. The hummus sounds good.

  2. The rains have stopped and the heat has arrived here, too, but not quite that hot. That's miserable! I enjoy seeing your chickens. I miss mine. This heat is always so hard on them. I remember making up an electrolyte-balancing mix to add to their water many years ago and, yes, frozen water bottles and frozen treats. I don't know if my garden is going to make this year or not. Because of the rains I got it in late and, now, with the heat, we'll see. The hummus recipe looks good. I'll go check it out. Have a great rest of the week and stay cool! Blessings!

  3. I don't know which is harder to deal with the heat or the cold both kinda suck

  4. We have severe storms predicted AGAIN for tonight. It has been several nights a week here this summer. Very unusual. And it's hot and humid too. Our heat index was 98 yesterday so I understand completely.
    I hope things cool down a bit soon and the storms let up.

  5. Jo-Annie's Ramblings, we haven't had a break from the heat since last Sunday. Yes, both are difficult weather situations.

    Betsy, we cooled to a 98°F day, but the humidity is awful now. No rain either, so there has been no relief other than the temperature dropping from 102 to 98 now.


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