Thursday, May 2, 2024

Welcome May! What's Growing?


We a getting more asparagus thankfully, but I need to (again) plant more this year.  We are also getting rhubarb from the garden.  Yum!  

The lilac bush is blooming, and it smells wonderful when I am outside.  You can even smell it clear on the front porch.   I"m so glad the pine tree did not ruin the bush.  It did some damage, but I think it's recovering.  It just doesn't have as many blooms, but boy it smells divine.

Herbs in the herb garden.  Just ignore the weeds for now.  I hope to be back to that job sooner than later.

Green Onions





Lemon balm


My bleeding heart is blooming.  Terrible photo.  It was very windy when I took the photo.

I have so many volunteer chives just about in every crack and nook around the herb garden this year.


What is this?  Wild garlic?  Wild onion?  They are growing up singular, and all over my flower beds this spring.  I can't even tell from smelling the bulb, and cutting a bulb to smell.  These are tall, but the bulb is small.

They do not look like green onions or chives, so I'm stumped.  


The rosebed with hostas from h-e-double hockey sticks.  If I wanted to harvest clevers, this would be a great time for that ha ha ha!  I see a mullein plant in there too.  I see several days of weeding this one too.  I don't think I could pay someone to weed for me ha ha!

I have a few spring perennials coming up, but have not bloomed yet too.  It's not quite time to plant any annual flowers, herbs or plants/seeds in the vegetable garden just yet.  I am pretty sure we are not planting any peas, considering I can't get out there to put up my pea fence right now.

Welcome May!  What's Growing?  © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Jill at emeraldcottage, thank you. I have to buy plants and drop seeds yet for the basil, parsley, cilantro, rosemary and a few other herbs. We are just waiting out the weather for that.

  2. Wow, quite a few of your herbs came back. My oregano is growing great as usual and for the first time (tee hee), my thyme came back! I also have some mint in a pot of course. Last year was the first time I grew it. Do you repot it so you can pull out the dead bits?

    Take care, Katie C.

  3. Katie C, I am not repotting the mint this year, considering I'm hobbling around with a boot on right now. It looks like my spearmint is not coming back, so that will be replanted (if I can find a plant this spring). The green onions are doing fantastic, so I'm trying to use them with about every single meal right now.

  4. I am filled with envy for the fresh from the garden asparagus. My mouth is watering just looking at the photo.

  5. "volunteer chives"

    This made me smile because I guessed you meant free-range weeds, but then I got to this a type of chive? 🤷🏼‍♀️

  6. People who can grow such things are better then me, as I don't have the whatever it takes to grow stuff.

  7. My tulips are appearing, as well as my columbine. Much too cold here right now.

    God bless.

  8. Anne in the kitchen, we are go glad we planted asparagus. We are lucky too, however, a local produce stand grows it too now (if we need more).

  9. Sandi, they must have been planted by the wind when our chives went to seed, and they are growing in places I will have to pull them from ha ha!

  10. Jo-Anne's Ramblings, there are a few things we cannot grow here, due to the amount of lime stone in the ground, but most things do well.

  11. Jackie, I want to plant more tulip bulbs this fall. We'll see if it happens or not.

  12. Looks like wild onion to me. Weeds...I have a few of those:)

  13. Far Side of Fifty, thanks. The birds planted them I guess.


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