Wednesday, May 29, 2024

This and That


The rain continues to flow here, so planting anything has been a thwarted by Mother Nature.  It's a waiting game right now.  As soon as the ground dries up, the rain returns.  The only seeds planted so far, are collards, swiss chard and Red Russian Kale.  I'm trying my best to be patient.  I'm not feeling too bad about our delay, as we've also had cool 50 degree nights and mornings here lately.

We still have not figured out the mystery of the missing garlic we planted last fall.  

The flower beds remain unfinished as well.  They still look better than last year.  I'm actually glad I have not weeded the "rose" bed yet.  I have some wild growing catnip that I want to utilize, and am not ready to pick it just yet.  I actually have catnip growing all over.

The oregano has spread like crazy this year, and is also growing in the "rose" bed as well.  I will be thinning it out soon.

We can now say we tasted butter cheese for the first time.  It's creamy, but the mild flavor is too mild for us.  

We discovered homemade yeast donuts about 150 miles away from home.  Let's just say, we are glad we only brought two donuts home, or we would have eaten more than one, they were that good.  They are simply glazed, but if you have not indulged in a homemade yeast donut, you are missing out.  I have since found a recipe to try, but will save it for cooler weather, so I'm not heating up the house (and for a not so busy summer planting season).  Have you made homemade yeast donuts?

I absolutely love the homemade butterfly pea flower face toner, and the homemade facial serum.  Love, love, love both and will continue to make both.  I also love the homemade hair detangler.  I've been using the detangler a lot longer than the other two, and I have a lot of new hair growth.  All of the recipes are online from Mommypotamus.

Note:  I don't think I posted anything about the facial serum, but I made it with my home infused rosehip oil.

I now have a yarnaholic daughter.   Oddly, someone other than myself has encouraged her to crochet, and she is seeking more yarn to learn with.  Oh boy, can I help her out!  I'm filling a container for her.  I may even have some hooks for her too.  

This and That © May 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. We've had a few days without thunderstorms but they are predicted to return tomorrow. Many farmers here are facing the same planting delay.
    I'm glad your daughter is enjoying her new found hobby. I also love crochet and knitting. It's a hobby that will keep her happy her entire life.

  2. Betsy, I'm thrilled about her learning. I tried to teach a few of them years ago, but they were not very interested. Now that one is older, she loves it. She can already do granny squares. I'm hoping we get the garden in soon.

  3. Loved reading this post.

  4. Mother Nature has a habit of wanting things done on her terms.
    The garlic was stolen by vampires to make garlic bread.
    Your oregano is in love with the roses.
    I would find it too far to go for homemade yeast donuts as I am in the land down under

  5. Thanks R's Rue

    JoAnne's Ramblings, ha ha, the oregano has gone crazy this year. We drove that far for another reason, and happened to come across the locally owned, small town restaurant that makes the donuts. We were glad we indulged. I doubt I will make them at home, as I would put the pounds on ha ha!


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