Friday, April 5, 2024

Rain Rain Go Away ~ Chit Chat

The rain has not left us yet.  It's been on and off for days here lately.  The chicken run has been flooded more than once, and is now a muddy swamp mess.  I tossed some straw down, to keep from bringing in a muddy mess, but it's still a squishy, sludgy, chicken run.

The weather-man keeps promising sunny dry days ahead, but who knows when they'll arrive again.  I just keep telling myself, that the spring herbs and garlic are loving the rain.

However, it has been cold here as well.  The wind chill this morning was 29°F.  We had a freeze warning.  The sky has been showing some strange coloring as well.

The sun was not out when I snapped this photo, but....

The ornamental apple trees are producing blossoms already.  The trees are very pretty, but the birds plant way too many of them.

Are there any Yerba Mate tea drinkers here?  I tried loose leaf for the first time.  It is so fine, it was coming out of the sides of my larger tea-ball, so I switched to my smaller one and it still came out of the tea-ball.  I also forgot to "wet" it as per the instructions before brewing the first time.

My question is, do you really need to check the temperature before you brew a cup?  I'm thinking this is where my accidental purchase of disposable tea bags will come in handy.  I had to strain it again, after it brewed in the tea-ball with the smaller holes.

I did not find this bitter, as it said I would.  I read up on the benefits, and have added it to our regimen.  

Are you in the path of the upcoming eclipse?  We are so tired of hearing the word "totality" in our part of the woods. I get it, but come on, every single minute on TV and the radio? Literally.  All they are talking about, and how they expect 260,000,000 people to show up in my hometown to view it.  They are already getting ready to give tickets to anyone who parks on the side of the road, where parking is prohibited, but will they have enough staff?  Probably not, or the number they expect is way off.

We are being warned of power outages, cell service outage, internet outage, stores being sold out of items, traffic jams, etc etc.  If you are in the path of it, you are much like us.  Eye rolling at the redundant daily news.  Most of the area has to go to work.  People have jobs, so the expected number is crazy to believe. 

Update:  Now they are predicting cloud cover during the eclipse, and a comet of some sort?  

Like I said earlier, the approaching eclipse, has been giving the night sky (and sometimes morning) strange coloring.  Weird things (yes more of those) have been happening.  A bank in my hometown was robbed this week, and they have not caught the person on the run.  There is someone going around at night cutting brake lines in our small town.  As for the brake lines, it could be the same unsupervised youth that smashed eggs for the local egg hunt over Easter.

 Another update on the homemade window cleaner . . .

I've been cleaning the windows in the last few weeks, and my husband and I were not happy with using windex (which is what I had on hand).  I have also used a mixture of vinegar and water before too.

I then came across a recipe for homemade window cleaner.  I mixed it up and gave it a try to compare with the windex cleaner from the store.  I'll admit, I was intrigued, as it uses arrowroot powder in it (or cornstarch).

I shared the recipe for this window cleaner, in a recent blogpost (under "Looking around the house").  I'm just happy as a peach with the clean windows.  The crisp views are lasting a lot longer, and we are enjoying it.

Rain Rain Go Away ~ Chit Chat  © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. You have been busy. Yes, this weather has been different for us each day. We had the warm days with high winds, now we are having the cold breezes and low night time temperatures. Typical Ozark weather. Hopefully the chicken run can dry out soon. Mud is not fun to work in. We have been mostly inside. Thehubs has allergies, and the past week he has been tired and avoiding these winds. I am going to try your window cleaner recipe. I will admit it here, and only here, that I have been buying some pre-made foods (convenience). I am from the generation of homemade is always better but since my back fusion and hip replacement, along with tachycardia, I have bought Bob Evans mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, and pre-cooked smoke brisket. It's a quick easy meal, expensive? a little. I was so ashamed, snuck it into the cart, didn't want to admit to thehubs that I had gone nuts (and lazy). But after 4pm, my body is spent. Old age isn't for the weak! giggles! ~jackiesee~

  2. Jackie See, thanks for the giggles! I can tell you that we've him-hawed not growing a garden this year. My husband's back has been bothering him.

  3. Not in the path for the eclipse here.

    God bless.

  4. Jackie, we are now told the path of the eclipse has changed it course a bit. They are also calling for rain and clouds now.


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