Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Odd Sight


Minutes before the darkness set it from the eclipse yesterday, I snapped these photos of two eagles that just stopped flying and sat together in a tree.  They were probably confused as much as the rest of the wildlife.

Odd Sight © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Just simply beautiful. So majestic. Thank you for picture.

  2. Amazing photo! We had clouds so all we really felt was a cold air and brown light for about 4 minutes. Then the roosters crowed and all was back to normal. Not much ado about it here. I worked outside pulling weeds and sweeping off the patios. It was a beautiful day. Today, we will head to the garden center to get more garden dirt and mulch. I aso plan to sit on my porch and admire the color green! Have an awesome day!! ~jackiesee~

  3. Jackie See, I too am getting ready to tackle flower beds and the garden. Our veggie garden is too wet right now. I do need to go get a lot of mulch too.

  4. What lovely photos.

    God bless.


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