Monday, April 8, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

 We broke out the mower for the first time this spring.  It needed it, but we didn't quite finish it.  

After traveling to two post offices, I finally got a box shipped off to my sister.  The first Post Office, had their internet down, the second one is only open 2 hours a day.  Life is a bit challenging living in a small country town.

The herb garden needs some weeding done, but it's springing back to life, and the green onions are looking great. I will be snipping some for this weeks meals.  The sage is looking like it's coming back to life as well.

Today I will join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .

High today is to be about 73°F, but it's cloudy and it rained (ugh) again last night.  Today is the eclipse.  There is hardly any traffic either.  I'm guessing that many places closed.  I am told that in our hometown, many businesses closed for the day, and schools closed as well.

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee, posting this a bit later than usual

Thinking and pondering . . .

It's very wet out yet, so my day may be a bit off the to-do list.

How I am feeling . . .

Honestly, a bit tired.  We ran around and got errands done, and we had to buy a new coffee pot (it broke down over the weekend).

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure yet.

On the lunch plate . . .

I have discovered that organic snack bell peppers make a wonderful bread replacement for chicken salad.  We love it on cucumber slices, but this is good too.

I also made granola bars for our weekly snack.  I used date syrup in place of honey and they turned out delicious.  According to what I read so far, it does not spike sugar levels, and has a lower glycemic index.  I used a combination of walnuts, unsweetened coconut and pumpkin seeds this time around.

I also made us some homemade hummus.  It's good on veggies, so I made myself one when I was slicing up bell peppers.

On the menu . . .

-grilled sirloin burgers, broccoli salad (minus the bacon this time around).

-crock pot pork loins, roasted mixed vegetables


On the reading pile . . .

Still reading this book.

On the TV . . .

Whatever looks good.  The most recent was Dateline and NCIS.

Looking around the house . . .

We picked up the last bit of materials to finish the steps in the hallway.  

On the to-do list . . .

-not sure quite yet, which is very odd for me

From the camera . . .

October of 2014 - homemade Lamancha goat's millk cream cheese.  The very best cream cheese too. A "blast" from the past photo.

What I am crocheting . . .
Progress on the current baby blanket.  I worked a bit on the baby washcloths as well.

Devotional, Bible Verse, Prayers . . .
A friend's niece is in an induced coma, with possible brain injuries from a car accident.  I do not have a name just yet.  When I do I will let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Already the lawnmower, yikes! we have the same problem with our post office here.. very few hours open. Homemade cream cheese? must be delicious. Your garden is already springing to life, enjoy!


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