Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Homemade Hand Lotion

 In December of 2014, I made homemade hand lotion.  I have made it a few more times since then, and then I sort of dropped out of the homemade version and started buying it.  I made the lotion for gifting for Christmas that year.  To be honest, I don't remember if anyone ever let me know if they liked it or not either.  I used orange essential oil it it at the time.

By the way, the link still works on that post (linked above).  She shares a recipe with or without a preservative.  If you want to gift it, I do suggest the preservative.   If I remember correctly, I actually made two different recipes.  

Anyway, the one linked in my older blogpost is super easy to make.  Be sure to read the instructions on her website, and to let it sit overnight.  

I made a batch the other day, and just used a recycled jar and canning jar, but with solid closing lids.  I just haven't bought lotion pump for it yet.  I chose to use lemon essential oil this time around.

Do you have a favorite homemade hand lotion recipe?  Or do you prefer to just buy an organic brand at the store?

Homemade Hand Lotion  © April 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I've not made any lotion, but am on a learning curve, I've got Lavender,Rosemary & Lemon Verbena in the garden, and have started Calendula seeds. I'm a little intimidated by the entire process, but want to try. I also want to try to make Queen of Hungary Water. Take Care

  2. Oh, sorry nobody let you know if they liked it or offered any feedback. I love my handmade lotion and actually made a batch after work last night. I'll now take a look at the links you offered. 💕

  3. I have made lotion bars, not the kind of hand lotion you made. I do love the bars though.

    God bless.

  4. Interesting. It’s something I would like try. I have very sensitive skin.

  5. Faith, the lotion recipe that I linked in the older blogpost doesn't even require a mixer. You just use a spoon. I have a set of utensils (measuering cups, measuring spoons etc) that I only use for making things like lotion.

  6. Lady Locust, I just wonder if anyone enjoyed the handmade gifts, when I do gift them. Thanks for taking a look.

  7. Jackie, I have made bar soap, but not lotion bars. Sounds interesting. I do love the lotion though.

  8. Debby, the recipe is very easy to make. I got my ingredients online, and used distilled water (I've used well water before too).


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