Saturday, March 9, 2024

What's Growing in Early March

 Once again, weather is all over the map these past few days.  First the rain moved back in, and now they say we may see snow flurries.  Winter is still hanging around.

A few scant tulips the moles did not eat.

Lots of different daffodils and hyacinths.

Chives in the herb garden.

More daffodils.

Green onions in the herb garden.

Bunching onions.


Fall planted garlic.  It's under wire to protect it from rodents that might find it tasty.  Once it's up, we'll remove the screen.

I did not get a photo of my peppermint and spearmint (in pots), but I'm hoping they will spring back to life.  I'm almost out dehydrated spearmint for tea making.


  1. It is wonderful to see things popping through the dirt.
    Here the chipmunks and squirrels are the bulb eaters.

  2. Fresh grown garlic! I bet that's delicious.

  3. Anne in the kitchen, we had one chipmunk last year, and it was getting into everything. We had to put solar alarms around the gardens last year.

  4. Sandi, freshly grown garlic has the best flavor.


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