Monday, March 11, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday



Our weekend went way too fast.  We actually went out for breakfast with family, had a kiddo and her boyfriend over for a late lunch, and did not do a lick of work.  It rained Saturday, and snowed Sunday.  Sunday was more of one of those days you just wanted to curl up with a good book or movie and stay home.

I also shared some of our bell pepper breakfast ideas with the kids, and by golly, I need to make these again soon.  I miss the stuffed ones for breakfast too.  Here I was telling my husband, we should take a year off from the garden and let it (and us) rest, but I miss those fresh bell peppers.  We could always hunt down a produce stand, but even people we know who have a stand, spray their garden.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'll link up when she posts.

The weather . . .

It's still cold today, but we are to warm up this week for a bit, then cool back down again.

Right now I am . . .

Sipping coffee and posting this.

Thinking and pondering . . . 

We've been discussing foods we only eat when the garden is producing fresh goodies.  I sure do miss roasted beets with onion, and rosemary and thyme from the herb garden.  I will be checking prices on organic beets in the store.  We are also missing my spiced pickled beets.  We are out of them.  

How I am feeling . . .

Tired.  We do not like the time change, and we had to "spring" forward Sunday.  It's an adjustment for sure.  On a good note, we are back to longer days and later sunsets, and in time for our spring gardening work soon.

Since I met two fitness goals earlier in the year, I have come up with two more.  

I am back to making weekly nettle tea infusions.  I have not been making them in the winter, but with the warmer days, my allergies act up, and it's great for allergies.  As a bonus, it's great for my hair and nails.

On the breakfast plate . . .

. . .to be decided on yet.

On the menu . . .

-cod, roasted asparagus and roasted rutabaga
-grill burgers with home canned condiments, sweet potato "fries"
-homemade pizza with chickpea crusts

On the reading pile . . .

I'm still reading this book.  I spent more time on the crocheted blanket over the weekend, as it was very cold here again.

On the TV this week . . .

Not much.  We mostly listened to music.

Looking around the house . . .

It's pretty tidy, other than a box of books to donate, and some of my leftover yarn to deal with.   I'm actually making up a plan to distribute my books in a few free little libraries.  The one free little library that I went to recently, is very full right now.  

I also started to purge the office.  It's a slower process, as I am still working on the hallway painting, and of course have regular chores, and cooking from scratch (that is time consuming). Not to mention, we all need to make sure we take time for ourselves in each day.

On the to-do list . . .

-prepare a new breakfast for the next few days

Organic hannah sweet potatoes roasted in garlic powder, roasted black beans and corn, onion, bell pepper and a bunch of spinach, topped with two eggs, and homemade cilantro sauce and green onions.  So good!

-dinner prep
-brew another nettle tea infusion
-brew a gallon of iced green tea with garden spearmint
-cut up a whole watermelon and a whole pineapple
-catch up on any laundry
-sweep/mop any floors
-finish cleaning one bathroom

From the camera . . .

If you missed my post, READ HERE to see what I took pictures of, that is growing around here.  In the above photo, are my chives growing up in the herb garden.

What I am crocheting . . .

I'm still crocheting this large blanket (photo from last week).  My goal is to finish it before the end of March. 

Colors are, from bottom up: 
-Heather Grey
-Real Teal
-Soft White
-Claret Bordeaux (all Red Heart yarns)

I am still slowly working on an XL pot holder for us.  It is in my on-the-go bag for when we go to town or longer drives.  Once these are done, I have a few more unfinished projects.  I also have some crochet Christmas tree ornaments in a project bag.  I totally forgot about them.

Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verse . . .

No current prayer requests.

Happy Homemaker Monday  © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Love the longer days but hate the time change. Stuffed peppers, delicious. Have a great week

  2. Luludou, I thought our state was going to do away with the time change, but they have not. It is a pain for sure.

  3. It's nice to have a laid back, relaxing weekend once in a while. I hate the morning blackness that comes with the time change but I do love the longer days. I absolutely love the colors of the lap blanket you are crocheting... they are lovely together. Have a great week!

  4. I live in a province with no time change which is awesome. No trying to get used to a new wakeup time.

    The blanket is coming along so nicely. I really like the colours you chose.

    God bless.

  5. Debi, thank you! I wanted to use up some leftover yarn from making a cardigan, and that is what I came up with.

  6. Thank you Jackie, I was worried I picked colors that really were not appealing. I am working on using up leftover yarn.


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