Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Participation Plummet and Random Thoughts


March rolled in quicker than I expected.  I had some goals for the end of February, and here we are at March.

There seems to be a blogger participation plummet for whatever reasons.  So many blogs I used to follow, with such interesting and useful homesteading content (sometimes humorous), have left the blogging scene.  I get it for the most part.   It can be time consuming, and in winter the writing content can be very limited.  Things change for some as well.

I mean, we used to raise dairy goats (Lamancha), and we stopped doing that years ago, so I do understand change.  Life changes constantly.

I'm experiencing the humdrum of blogging.  I know spring is around the corner, but maybe like all the other blogs I used to read (and now don't post anymore),  I'm sort of falling off the blogging "thing" lately as well.  

Maybe I am the one who needs a new change.  Although we are still undergoing home repairs, and staying busy, sometimes change is a good thing.  

The rain held off, and we had a few very nice 70 degree days here.  It may stay in the upper 60's today, but thunderstorms may actually roll in later.  The weather causes that itch to clean up gardens, but I know I need to refrain for now.  It's still too early.

For the first time this year, I was able to wash and dry the bedding and quilts outside on the clothesline.

We also blew the dust off our motorcycle, and got our first ride of the year in.  The weather has been that nice. 

Here is an update on "what I am crocheting" for the time being.  I have to admit though, as the warmer days stay, I'm on hold for this blanket.  If we cool back down, I'll be back to work on it some more, and in hopes to finish before the cooler days disappear for the year.  The photo doesn't really show the colors very well.  

That is a burgundy yarn, leftover from crocheting a cardigan, and the others are heather gray, teal, and soft white.  The gray and white are also leftover project yarns.  The colors remind me of a cabin.  I wanted to use the other pattern, but his one has less ends to sew in.  

Blogger is once again having hiccups with posting.  I am having trouble with photos loading, and for the font to stay the way I type it.  I have to constantly go back and fix the post.  

I may also remove the "popular post" widget.  I am getting some outrageous view counts on some very old posts, that is not normal.  Most of my posts barely get 100 views within a few years, and some showing up in the "popular" post widget are well over that.

I am using the stats and google analytics to watch those this week.  Another reason I am contemplating continuing to blog - a lot of work to maintain for all reasons. 

By the way blogger "stats" is not working properly.  It was working the other day, but now it is not.  Anyone else having blogger issues?  Also, I tried adding a jump break on a post, and it would not work either.   I may try an entirely new blog theme.

Participation Plummet and Random Thoughts  © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Sometimes I can leave a comment and other times I can't on blogger.

    God bless.

  2. Jackie, I think something was going on with blogger recently (or still?) and comments were not working either. It is a bit frustrating.

  3. I have slowed down my blogging but I'm not ready to give it up. I really enjoy reading other people's blogs (yours among them!!) and fear if I give up blogging that will lead to giving up reading the blogs I enjoy. Winters are a hard blogging time for me as there isn't a lot going on to blog about. I don't pay any attention to how many views or readers I have... it is what it is. the only real issue I've run into is occasionally not being able to comment on someone's blog. I do hope you continue to blog as I enjoy following along with your projects.

  4. Debi, the reason I check stats, is to make sure my content is not stolen or used by another site. I found it odd that my Valentine's day dishcloth post had over 4000 views (when I get 200 at the most). I deleted the post since then, but watch it more often. You are right, that it is difficult to come up with interesting content in winter. Garden season is full of content during spring, summer and fall.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.