Monday, March 4, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

March rolled in quicker than expected.  It brought rain, cloudy skies, followed by some warmer weather.  The tree buds are already over winter.

Our green onions are starting to produce new growth with all the recent rain, and the sight is welcoming.

The weather was nice enough to grill out for dinner.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

Well, they say it will be a high of 74°F and sunny today, then we cool back down the rest of the week.

Right now I am . . .

Brewing coffee late, and posting this blog post.

Thinking and pondering . . .

Wondering if we are getting thunderstorms today.  

How I am feeling . . .


On the breakfast plate . . .

I'm thinking I'll make a ham and cheese crust-less quiche, to use ham we froze, and some garden zucchini we froze as well. I'll toss in some of those frozen garden green peppers too.

On the lunch menu . . .

Not sure yet.

On the dinner menu . . .

Not sure yet.

On the menu . . . 

(concentrating on what's in the freezer/pantry this week)

-homemade meatballs in home canned tomato sauce (with dollops of ricotta), over frozen and thawed garden spaghetti squash, and roasted frozen garden green beans

-Italian sausage pasta dish (with green lentil pasta), with added frozen asparagus and frozen garden bell peppers, roasted rutabaga

-chicken salad (chicken from the freezer) for lunches, made with home canned sweet pickle and hot pepper relishes

-strawberry bread, using frozen strawberries from last summer

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .

Willie Nelson Movies - Red Headed Stranger

Looking around the house . . .

We got one coat of paint on the interior hallway garage and entry doors done.  They'll need a second coat.

On the to-do list . . .

-clean microwave
-muck coop
-library returns

From the camera . . .

What I am crocheting . . .
I forgot to get photos.  Will get an update in another blogpost soon.

Devotional, Bible Verses, Prayers . . .
If you sent up prayers for our youngest daughter, she is feeling much better and back to work.  Thank you!


  1. Didn't even know Willie Nelson was in movies. Had just heard his singing. You are getting along with all the renovations, good for you. Have a good week

  2. Luludou, yes, we watched Red Headed stranger. It's an older movie. Thanks, we were hoping to be done with the hall by Feb, but March is good too.


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