Monday, March 25, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday

We are greatly anticipating outdoor spring activities and garden prep.  Not to mention the finishing of the new coop.  I already have a plan in place for moving the chickens.

We have friends that just sold their house, bought an RV and are living/traveling in the RV now.  I'll admit, it sounds interesting, and could imagine a life with a lot less taxes.

I'm on the hunt for Arnica cream/lotion.  Sigh.  Just trying to avoid buying all the ingredients to make it.  If you know of a resource, be sure to comment.  By the way, I have tried to grow arnica here a few times, and with no success for some reason.

We had unexpected guests all weekend, so I feel like we did not get much done around here.  We did manage to pick up a few bales of straw (at a high price), from a farm store for now.  We are having trouble locating a larger amount from a local farmer, for the chickens.  We've sent a few messages, so we are waiting for responses.  

We also managed to pick up the light we needed for the hallway ceiling.  The online inventory stated they had 5 in stock, but when we arrived that was not the case.  We will still need one more light fixture.  


Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Somehow I missed last week, but nothing much was news-worthy.  I apologize for the length of this post today.  I hope you have a hot cup of java or tea to get you to the end.

The weather . . .
The weekend was very cold, with Sunday morning being a windchill of 18°F.  Today we are to hit the lower 60's, and then we lower again to the 50's with nights in the 30's.  All of our daffodils that bloomed so far, and now laying flat.  I am hoping the remainder of them still bloom.

Right now I am . . .
Sipping coffee, and writing out a to-do list, and getting early morning laundry started.

Thinking and pondering . . .
I'm considering other herbs to infuse  for healthy ice teas.  Does anyone else make tea infusions for health?

I'm working on high protein, healthy snack options.  I borrowed some "clean" snack cookbooks from the library, but more than half the recipes call for protein powder.  I want real food ideas.  I do  have some eggs waiting in the fridge to boil in a few weeks.  

How I am feeling . . .
Pretty good.  We've been welcoming spring with some nettle/oat straw tea infusions (served iced), and ending the evenings with hot tea and squeezed lemons.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Our most recent breakfast, and our favorite.  I could literally eat this every morning!  My husband said, that when he was reheating his at work, everyone asked what he was eating (it smelled that good!).  I'll make a post to share how I made this.  It a bit of work, but it lasts for a few days too.  Not sure what we'll have this week yet.

On the lunch plate . . .

Slice of organic sourdough bread, with fresh made peanut butter, and banana slices.  The organic bananas that we've purchased the last few times, have tasted weird.

On the dinner plate . . .
Not sure yet.  It may be a new recipe, or it could be something easy like grilled cheese and home canned tomato soup.

On the menu . . .
-Stuffed pepper pizzas, sliced apples
-Sheet pan chicken dinner, veggies
-Crockpot meatballs, oven roasted mushrooms/asparagus

I have several new recipes to try.  I am working on our freezer stash, so hence new recipes to indulge in. 

On the reading pile . . .
Another book passed on to me from my Mom, that was on a bookshelf.  I'm not a big fan of romance novels, but I am giving it a try.  So far, it's slow going.  Mom wrote the sticky note that is still on the front of it.  I have tucked it inside, so I can pass the book on when I am done.  Hopefully I will finish it.  I used to buy up all of the Love Inspired books at our library book sale and deliver them to her.  I guess I should have known that one would make its way back to me.  

New to the bookshelf.  Gulp.  Yes, I said "new" to the shelf, but I have a large box filling up with finished books to donate soon.

On the TV this week . . .
Western movies.

Looking around the house . . .
The kitchen is looking fantastic for once.  Other than our tote of painting supplies still hanging around.  I'll be moving it later this week.

On the to-do list . . .

-water plants
-paint interior side of door to garage 

For the week . . .
-wash down kitchen island
-wash down kitchen cupboards
-wash two more windows downstairs
-wash and clean upstairs windows

From the camera . . .

Despite snow and colder weather, the green onion is springing back to life in the herb garden.  Note:  I took this photo before the weekend snow buried them lol!

What I am crocheting . . .
I'm not quite done with this throw, but it's coming along.  There are many hours of hard work involved with this project.  I use an "H" hook, so there is a lot of stitching and a lot of yarn used.  Cold days are coming to an end, so my goal is to finish it before it gets too hot to work on it.

My current project for when I need a break on the large throw pictured first on this project list.  The only one that got a baby carriage robe from me was our grandson who passed away suddenly at the age of 4 months.  I think I used purple and blue in his blanket.  

There are so many babies being born on my husband's side of the family, that I cannot keep up with crocheted gifts.  Anyway, I am making this carriage blanket with yarn in my stash, to work on using up the stash yarn.  I may be adding baby booties, but for now, I am using up some baby blue and light brown yarn to make this blanket.

My current go-to project for on-the-road traveling - baby washcloths in white.  I have yellow-ish yarn, multi-colored yarn and white.  I have zero in any blue for this project.  I do not want to buy yarn right now either, so white is being used (all 100% cotton, light weight, discontinued yarn).

I completely forgot about this square doily.  I am back at working a row a day (when I can or remember).  It takes more concentration, no interruptions, and some reading eyeglasses to get those fine stitches to look good.

The two unfinished projects that were taken apart - thin dishcloth (these never sold at the craft shows anyway), and a flip flip key fob.  The keyfobs were to be sold at a store on the island, where my camper ornaments were sold, but that store closed last year.

Devotional, Bible Verse, Prayers . . .
Prayers for the tornado victims, from the tornados that came through our state and caused much destruction.


  1. Gorgeous needlework. Very much like the baby piece with blue and grey.

  2. Thank you Lady Locust, it's called a carriage robe, and smaller. It's perfect for taking on car trips to cover the car seat or a stroller.


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