Saturday, March 23, 2024

Brr! Spring yet?


We woke up to a windchill (feels like) 19°F this morning, and snow on the ground.  My poor green onions.  They were looking so grand, and now I'm concerned with any pear and apple blossoms (which I have yet to determine).  I'm hoping the fruit trees are behind, and will be bountiful this year.  I am sure the red raspberry and black berry bushes are okay, but now I'm concerned about my spring harvest of herbs.  Good gravy!

Both of us hunkered in last night, as the sun disappeared, and the gray skies appeared.  The cold has not moved out just yet.

Stay warm friends.  Looks like a perfect weekend for some popcorn, movies and handiwork.  Or some card playing and sipping hot tea.

Our town's Easter egg hunt started this morning at dawn for ages 6 and up.  They will be freezing cold, and no, there is no sun today.  As of this post anyway.   Gosh, I remember doing an Easter egg hunt in our backyard, and there was a lot of snow, when the kids were younger.  

I'm going to go brew a hot steamy pot of organic coffee, and start breakfast soon.  Enjoy your weekend, no matter what your weather is.  Hopefully, it's not as crazy as our weather.

Brr!  Spring yet?  © Mar 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. Not here on the Canadian prairies as of yet. Cold, snows off and on, as well as lots of wind. No sign really of spring.

    God bless.

  2. Jackie, here's hoping we both see some warmer weather soon.


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