Sunday, February 25, 2024

Up and Down Weather


The last Sunday in February.  We went from 60 degree weather earlier in the week, to cold 30°F with a windchill  of 20°F, and snow.

The forecast is all over the chart for next week.  We are to warm back up to a delightful 66°F, but with it comes thunderstorms and wind.  We just can't win this time of year.

I do love the sunshine.  We got a glimpse of it yesterday, but it hopefully, we'll see more of it today.

Happy Sunday!  I hope you all get some rest and R & R today.

Up and Down Weather  © Feb 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. The weather seems to be all over the place this year! We are having a lovely sunny day which is nice after a gray, dreary week. Hope you are having a restful day.

  2. Debi, funny thing...we ended up working on the house Sunday. I even took care of some paperwork too, so we ended up retiring for the evening after that. We are moving into some warmer, but not so nice, weather now.


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