Saturday, February 24, 2024

Kitchen ~ Pattern Binder Purge


Friday was an extremely foggy day.  I was a bit worried about my husband's drive to work. By 11am, the fog had lifted.

My husband and I were not happy with the glue-down flooring that was installed in the kitchen, after half of the floor was torn out for joist replacements and new subfloor over a year ago.  it was coming up, spreading apart and dirt was sticking in the cracks.

A wrench in my winter hallway repairs, but the flooring was on sale, and the installers were free, so my husband made arrangements.

On Wednesday, we emptied the entire kitchen, other than the refrigerator.  The flooring/installers were to arrive at 10-11am Thursday to install (same flooring as hallway).  Around noon, I am notified that they are not going to make it.  Friday they arrived, but had to come back on Saturday to finish up.  Hence my delay on posting.

During my waiting process, I had collected all of the pattern binders (but one), purged them all, tossed out what was junk, and gave away a pile of unwanted patterns.   Whew!  Project binder purge is DONE!  Checked off the to-do list! 

In the process of re-flooring the kitchen, we removed the only base board electrical heater and a new electrical outlet was installed.  We do not need the heater, and it was malfunctioning anyway (a hazard if left installed). 

New floor trim was installed where the heater was, and I had to paint a bit, but it all looks great.

I would say 90% of the hallway, and kitchen floor trim was re-installed. I painted the kitchen trim, so that saved us money, but we needed trim for the hallway.

Also, the computer chair, at our kitchen desk area had to be replaced.  I was not prepared for that expense.


  1. How nice to have your pattern binders cleaned out. I should do that, I'm sure there are patterns in my binders that I will never make!

  2. Debi, I had so many patterns it was crazy. I decided to try and find a new home for the printed ones I did not keep, and they are all delivered thankfully.


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