Thursday, February 8, 2024

Spring Fever? More like Spring Teaser


We are having some wonderfully warmer weather, causing spring fever around here, but it is more like a "teaser" for us.  It will hang around a few days, and then return to colder weather.

The spring-like temperatures are making me yearn for the gardens again.  Half of my chickens are laying again.  Woohoo to that.  

I'm also growing sprouts for a "spring" weather treat for the chickens.  They will be tickled pink when they are ready.

I was just reading about how lettuce will thrive better, if you plant it with your chives.  Have any of my garden growing blogger friends done this?

My chives are in my herb garden, so I am hesitant to plant anything but herbs in the same area, so I don't bring in any bugs/worms that may be attracted to it.  I once planted Swiss chard in my herb garden, and it grew wonderfully (without any additional insect issues).

The idea of trying this method, with the lettuce, is intriguing.  One, the lettuce would be closer to the house, making salads quicker to make, and two, if it is true then we'd have more in abundance.  I'm reading that the chives actually keep the bugs away from the lettuce.  

Spring Fever?  More like Spring Teaser  © Feb 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. What beautiful photographs! Thanks for sharing... it's been so dark and dreary here that your photos were a real pick me up!

  2. Debi, so glad you enjoyed the photos. I try to get photos of the sunrise when the colors are spectacular.


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