Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Sitting on the Front Porch in February


Update on the Tex Mex Sweet Potatoes and Onions:  Delicious!  However, I keep forgetting that our jalapenos from last year, were very "hot" in flavor (hence the small amount on my plate).  

It ended up very spicy, but next time I will cut the jalapenos to a smaller amount, ha ha!  I cannot find the recipe online, so you'll need to borrow the cookbook from your local library.  We served the side with homemade chicken enchiladas with homemade enchilada sauce.

My chicken enchiladas are filled with sauce, then a layer of cooked onion, chicken, chilies, and black beans (salt and pepper), and some cheese.

The enchiladas are super easy to make.  I cooked my chicken in the crock pot the day before, and the sauce can be made up to 3 days before (stored in the fridge).

On Monday, we had a 65°F day!  Sitting on the porch in February is unheard of in our area, and I took advantage of it.

Not once in the day, but twice I got to enjoy our front porch.  When my husband got home, and after dinner. we enjoyed the front porch until the cooler air set in.  

Tuesday, we hit a record for the month, and the day.  We heated up to a whopping 73°F (a feels like temperature of 76°F).  I got another day of reading on the front porch in February!

Rain moved in with thunderstorms overnight, but should end today.  The weather is to dip to a very cold 13°F (feels like) by tonight.  We may even get snow later today, after the rain stops.

Yes, I said that right.  Crazy weather.  The spring daffodils are starting to come up right now.  


  1. Hello! Happy to meet you! I love your blog and your quote - eat it up, wear it up, make it do or go without! It is one that I've used often! I love finding ways to save money, and make do with what we've got. How lovely that you got to do some porch sitting! Our weather has been spring like - in the 30s, which is good for us, but today we got some snow. Winter isn't done with us yet! So happy to meet you, and get to know you better :)

  2. Marilyn, so glad you are enjoying my blog. It's been a struggle to write during winter, so I'm glad you are finding it interesting.

  3. We've had some crazy weather too. One day last week the temperature dropped more than fifty degrees overnight! Our snow is all gone (right now... I'm sure it will be back!) and that's unheard of here, we usually have plentiful snow until the middle or end of March! Mother Nature has gone bonkers!

  4. Debi, I agree, Mother Nature has gone bonkers. Your weather sounds like ours. We typically get the most snow in February, and we had so many nice days to sit outside (crazy).


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