Tuesday, February 20, 2024

I tried it, so you don't have to, recipe

 Breakfast Lasagna
(there are more versions of this online)

The recipe is found on a YouTube video.  It uses a lot of cheese to make this a "zero" carb recipe, but not low in calories.  You start by scrambling 18 eggs. 

Here is the video LINK for the YouTube video on how she makes the breakfast lasagna.

Gravy is made with breakfast sausage, cream cheese and beef broth.   Like I said, it uses a LOT of cheese.

I'm not a subscriber, so I could not get actual measurements from her recipe, so I "eyeballed" it.  I used a mix of mozzarella and pepper jack, and some Parmesan cheese.

The ham I used.  Honestly, didn't feel one 6 oz. package was enough, but I wasn't sure on the size of pan to use either.

Here is my review:  I used a 9 x 13 inch baking dish.  It was too big of a baking dish, to get even layers.

It was very good, but I will use my own milk based sausage gravy next time, and will utilize frozen diced ham we saved from the last holiday season.  Overall, very good, but you could make your own changes to suit your taste.  You can cut it in half and make a smaller batch too.

The final look after it came out of the oven.  I heated it at 350°F until it was heated through out the dish.

I guess all of these "zero" carb dishes are full of cheeses, so we will cut the cream cheese out and use homemade breakfast sausage gravy next time.  I use very little flour to make mine anyway.

It's a great idea for a breakfast for a group, or gathering, and it re-heats nicely.  It's perfect for a brunch as well.

 It didn't last long here, but again way too much cheese for us.  


I tried it, so you don't have to, recipe © Feb 2024 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. WOW on 18 eggs! But looks/sounded good.

  2. Mother Em, I saw later she has two videos, and the other one she uses a dozen eggs. It is good, but would cut in half next time and use my own homemade gravy (maybe for a holiday or gathering).


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