Monday, January 15, 2024

Still Cold

 Today the weather is 0°F, with a wind chill of -15°F. 

The forecast was for cold weather for the weekend and maybe Monday.  Now the sub-zero weather is predicted the entire week.

We have cold water, but the hot water pipes froze.  Many people in our area are dealing with all frozen pipes.  We installed heat tape over a year ago too.  The horrible high winds, combined with the bitter wind chill are just too much this winter.

Here is the crocheted scarf I finished.  It literally used an entire skein of yarn.  I'm happy with the coloration too.  Just in time for this freezing weather we are having.

Stay warm!


  1. Stay warm and safe! The cold is everywhere. We got snow last night here in Virginia. Brrr!

    Time to bake something. I’m going to make the Skinny Taste blueberry oatmeal muffins 😋

    -Katie C.

  2. That scarf is super cute and just in time as you said.

  3. Ohh that scarf is so pretty. Love the colors.

  4. Frozen pipes are no good. Hopefully things warm up quick so they can thaw without any damage.

  5. Katie C, I think it is time to bake something too. Brr! We are getting snow and then more freezing temps.

  6. Jim and Barb's Adventures, frozen pipes are not good for sure. We have a farmhouse, and spent last year installing heat tape, which has helped. We plan to open a wall to the rest of the house, and add more heat tape this year.

  7. Beautiful scarf... love the colors!


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