Sunday, January 14, 2024

Baby it's Cold Outside!

 Winter arrived all at once, with rain, snow, high wind (high wind warnings), flood warnings, and now freezing temperatures.  We woke up to 3°F with a wind chill of -18°F.  

All is well, other than both of us have been best friends with biofreeze.  I took a fall in a parking lot.  It was the only patch of ice that wasn't salted.  Go figure.  I was stepping out of the truck and wooosh, down I went.  I caught myself with my forearm (on the foot area of the truck) and wailed myself back up, but with a sore bum, neck and arm.  Not to mention bruises.  Go figure, we are out of comfrey poultices in the freezer too.

Has anyone made a poultice with dehydrated comfrey?  I'm wondering if it would work too.  

Either way, I'm digging out my spikes to put on my muck boots today.  We'll be dealing with sub-zero temperatures for a while.  At least the beautiful sun is shining for us today.  For now anyway.

I also spent a few days under the weather, which slowed me down, but I'm slowly regaining energy.  Nothing like this weather to throw your inner health off. It put me behind in painting again, but I should be back to that task next week.

I finished my winter scarf in time for this weather, but will be starting on a new hat, as I gave my last one to one of the our daughters. It's now like I'm out of yarn ha ha!  I'll try and get a photo of the scarf to share with you all.

Thank goodness for my blog, as I have lost my pattern for the hat pattern I wanted to make.  I found the pattern online again, but cannot remember what hook size I used.  I sure hope I guess correctly.  I am sure I did not use a "J" hook as the online pattern states.  

I was asked about the measurements of a lap afghan, and the charts on the internet are all different.  Most say 36 in. x 48 inches.  I have to dig out my measuring tape to double check the one I finished, but my notes measure by how many colors to use.  I'll be back to up date on that.



  1. Oh sorry for your fall and for your bruises. It is so very easy to do and with ice and other elements of the weather, it can happen in a blink. Glad you are ok. Sue wish I had your talents. the Afghan is so very pretty. Take care and stay warm.

  2. Oh no! Sick and then injured as well. Do stay safe and warm. I should think that a poultice with dehydrated comfrey would work well. Dehydrated herbs are usually more potent.

    More than once I've appreciated my blog for finding information that would otherwise have been lost. It's a great method of journaling and record keeping.

  3. Thank you Shug.

    Thank you Ann in the kitchen

    Thanks Leigh, I will make up poultices with the dehydrated comfrey. I also have homemade comfrey salve, so I may try that too.

  4. Sorry to hear about your fall. My right shoulder has not been happy with this cold weather but is much better today than yesterday.

  5. Carol, this freezing weather can definitely make body parts ache. I hope your shoulder feels better soon.


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