Wednesday, December 13, 2023

This and That


Beautiful sunrises are dwindling here these days.  The winter weather is slowly moving in.  It is very cold here now, but maintaining.  Woke up to 25°F with a windchill of 18°F.

There has been a sighting of 6 coyote (in my home town).  Crazy.  I have not seen any coyote this year here.  I wonder why they are gravitating to the city?  Stray cats perhaps?

Do any of you have a good/tried and true recipe for homemade oven cleaner? 

I found this one, but wanted to ask before I tried it.

¼ cup of dish soap
½ cup of lemon juice
1 cup of vinegar
1 ¼ cup of water
.Mix, spray, let sit, and wipe.

I also need something to scrub the oven racks with. I read somewhere to sprinkle baking soda, then use this spray and let sit over night (for the racks, lay on large rags). Does anyone have tips/tricks for this? I'm so over due on this home cleaning job.

Day 2 of soaking this tomato sauce stained freezer container. I have tried baking soda paste and it's still not gone. I have no idea why, but I froze pizza sauce and some tomato sauce this year (vs. canning it). I have not had to deal with this before. Any tried and true method to clean the stain off the container?

 Back in 2020, I started making washcloths/dishcloths, using a new pattern.  It involved using two strands of cotton #10 thread.

I later packaged them up, to sell at the craft shows.  They never sold at all.   Three years have gone by now, so.....

(photo from 2020)

I recently opened one to actually try for myself.   

They are a nice thickness, but for a dishcloth, they do take a bit longer to dry out on a hook.   

Honestly, they could be used for a washcloth, dishcloth or even a cleaning rag.  I am sure I found the free pattern online, but cannot locate it on my blog.  Blogger is making it much more difficult to search for something anymore. 

Live and learn, as they say.  What doesn't sell, don't make anymore unless you are personally using it.  I have made a home for all of these, but most likely, will not make them again.

Although it is way too cold to get porch reading time, I have finally finished this book I borrowed from the library. It was not that exciting to read. I forced myself to finish it, and it was the first book to completely read since March of 2023. I saw the new sequel to the book and thought I should read the first one first. Well, I have no plans now to read the sequel. Back to the books I have at home.


  1. Those dishcloths look lovely. Sorry can't help with the oven cleaning stuff. I am afraid I am still purchasing commercial cleaners for that task.

    God bless.


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