Monday, December 11, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 I tried a new recipe, and we love it - Southwest Chicken Quinoa Casserole (The Real Food Dietitians online).  It was similar to a "bowl" recipe we like that is layered, but this recipe is much easier and quicker to prepare.  I used frozen bell pepper from the garden, and frozen jalapenos from the garden, so that created more liquid as it cooked (note to self: use less chicken broth).  I used homemade tomato sauce for this too. 

The chicken coop roof is finally done.  We may be moving the coop's location.  Not sure just yet.  

We also got the fallen pine trees moved, but it took part of the lilac bush with it.  It is about half the height, so hopefully, it will recover.  I think we removed about 6 fallen pine trees.  One more job checked off the to-do list.  Actually two, if you count the chicken coop roof being completely done.

I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

The weather . . .

Over the weekend we hit a high record.

However, with this, came more rain, and now much cooler.

Right now I am  . . .

Getting ready to post this blog post.

Thinking and Pondering . . .

What needs to be on the to-do list today/this week.

How I am feeling . . .

Fantastic!  I completed two fitness goals.  Now onto the next few goals....

On the breakfast plate . . .

Sausage, egg, potato, and bean breakfast burrito.

On the lunch plate . . .

Chicken salad cucumber bites and omega 3 nut mix.  I used part home canned hot pepper relish, and part sweet for the chicken salad.  So good!!  Can't wait for summer cucumbers again.

On the dinner plate . . .
Not sure just yet.

On the menu . . .
-Chicken spaghetti using spaghetti squash (new recipe)
-Cauliflower crust homemade pizza, with our pizza sauce
-Jalapeno Chicken Cheddar Fritters, veggie
-possibly a fish dinner of some sort

On the reading pile . . .
I'm still reading this, and my goal is to finish it before it's due back.  It was not what I thought it would be, but so far okay.

On my TV this week . . .
Any movie that looks interesting.

Looking around the house . . .
I have one more craft show tote to go through, and more yarn to put away.

On the to-do list . . .
I still need to write this out for the day/week.

From the camera . . .

I got some sitting time in the good ol' sunshine.  It took the "crankies" away for a while.  The weather was gorgeous (until the rain moved in).  

Something to share . . .

Homemade Omega-3 Nut Snack Mix:

Some of you may already roast your own snack mixes, but I finally started to make our Omega-3 mix myself.  The packets have changed (they started adding chocolate bits to it), and it's expensive.  I found some of the non-gmo (no oils) nuts at Menard's and the rest at other grocery stores.  I then add the dried cranberries (the packets had too many cranberries). 

I roast (all non-gmo, with no added oils):

-1 cup raw walnuts
-1 cup raw almonds
-1 cup raw pecans
-1 cup raw pistachios
-1 cup raw pepitas 

Roast at 350°F for 8-10 minutes, cool and add 1 cup dried cranberries.  Store in an air tight container.  One serving - 1/4 cup.

If you have a Costco or other membership, look for non-gmo bulk nuts.  We do not, so I have to really look around for them.

Christmas ideas, DIY's, tips and recipes . . .

Egg Soufflé (Christmas Morning Breakfast Casserole)

I love to make this recipe with homemade bread.  Our favorite make ahead breakfast.

Devotional, Quote, Prayers. . .


  1. That casserole sounds good but it sure makes a lot!

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie C, I have cut the recipe in half before too. It is so good too.

  3. We had some nice weather this weekend too and now we are into chilly temps that feel more like December. I wasn't complaining about good weather though, I'll take it anytime! Glad you got your coop ready, chickens are the best :) Have a great week!

  4. Thanks Stacy, we too are now having very cold weather.

  5. I read that book too and agree. Your recipe looks amazing thanks for sharing.

  6. The roasted nuts sound so yummy. I just love nuts. The chicken quinoa dish sounds good too. I have two big bags of quinoa in my pantry and I never get around to making it! I can't let it go to waste. Have a blessed week!

  7. Thanks Lisa, and yes, I think the author of the book took a different direction.

  8. There is something about spending time in the sunshine that always feels nice. Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  9. Jean, the sunshine is always a good thing year round. Thanks, hope your week is grand too.

  10. Thanks for the recipes! Sorry so late, have a great week


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