Friday, December 15, 2023

Chit Chat


The pretty sunrises are dwindling as we move into the winter season.  It has been cold enough to cause frost on the vehicles and lots of scraping.  I enjoy the crisp air, as it wakes me up, and makes me feel energized.  The chickens?  Probably not, ha ha!  They (as well as us), are truly enjoying the sunshine.

There have been more and more coyote sightings, and in the country now.  We ourselves, have not seen or heard any.

I have survived the worst of the dental work, and for the first time in many, many years, I had to take Tylenol for pain.  It's the worst timing, as far as the holiday goes, but had to be done.  It also took me out of commission for about two to three days.  Imagine something in your eye and you can't get relief.  That is what is feels like with a sore jaw/mouth.  It's still sore today, but feeling better. Although, I have been advised to eat on one side of mouth for over a week.  

I finished my husband's matching winter scarf.  It has been crossed off the "unfinished" list now.  The remaining yarn, will be used for scrap lap afghans.  Secretly, I want to make myself one.  I don't have any more of the stripe yarn, but I do love the soft texture, and how it blends into a nice pattern for the scarf.  I just don't think they make a color to match my winter coat.

I am trying to catch up with housework, meal prep and baking.  The new chicken coop is on delay again, mostly due to me not feeling up to it, and more so the weather.  

Speaking of weather, they are forecasting zero snow for Christmas this year.  I'll admit, I think I would be in a more festive mood if we did have snow.

I have found a recipe for instant mocha coffee, but have not found a sugar-free peppermint syrup.  Our grocery store does not carry it.  I think, years ago, I ordered it online, but cannot remember.


  1. Forecasting a brown Christmas here as well.

    God bless.

  2. I hate going to the dentist and put it off. After the new year, I will need to go to one - no dental insurance. I do wish Medicare paid for dental care. It's us seniors who have the worst dental issues.

  3. Jackie, we've been having some rather warm weather for December this year.

  4. Debby, I had so many problems, I ran my dental benefits completely out this year. I'm so glad I am back to my old dentist (who takes our insurance, but it is a very minimum insurance).


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