Saturday, November 4, 2023

Gift Idea Using Hand Written Recipes


Did you know there are companies who can print your hand written recipes onto a kitchen towel for gift giving?  I just found this out, but have not done it.  I talked to the kids, and they said they "already" have Mom's recipe for hot cranberry punch, and did not want a towel.

Anyway, just sharing for those who may want to save a family recipe and do this.
Note:  Testing this post for some changes 


  1. First of all, the custom recipe towel idea is fantastic! I've never heard of that, and I'll probably have some towels made without asking, lol.

    Secondly, I am so so sorry you got hacked. What a headache especially because the victim is always the one to get the runaround. It shouldn't be that way.

    About the copyright notice. I don't recall where you had it before. I have one in my blog footer (which I doubt anyone ever gets to) and also at the end of every post (copy, paste, and update for each new post). On my fiber journal, I put the copyright notice near the top of the sidebar. I used blogger's layout page to add gadgets for those. It's odd they don't have a specific copyright gadget, but they don't. If you don't have a copy, here's the symbol to copy and paste where you want it


    There are also no

  2. I knew this, but just haven't done it. Perhaps a bit later the sons would like something like this.

    God bless.

  3. Leigh, thanks. Yes, I found that some Etsy stores will make the towels or even have the recipe printed on hot pads as well. Other places online may also make them.

    Thanks for the tips. It was a pain, and I spent most of my morning getting my blog fixed. I will look at yours again too to see how you copyright your posts.

  4. Jackie, it is a great gift idea. That is my Mom's handwriting and her famous Christmas time punch recipe.

  5. yes, the recipe on a dish towel is what my daughter-in-law did for me several years after my mom passed. she had my mom's famous apple cake recipe put on one. it is a very special gift i will always treasure.

  6. No matter where you decide to put your copyright notice, I recommend always including a link to your own blog in every post. Years ago I had a whole series of posts stolen from my fiber blog for a spam blog (created with 100% stolen content) that was pushing viagra. I only found this out by checking statcounter referral links; someone had clicked a link within my post and ended up on my blog. Of the dozens of people this guy stole content from, only one other person had a link back to their own blog. I contacted that person and together we brought the spammer down.

  7. Leigh, wow! Thank you for the advice. I will be doing adding it to my posts now.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.