Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Pie Pumpkins Done~ Pumpkin Waffles

 I have roasted and preserved all of our garden pie pumpkins now.  I saved some puree for baking/cooking.  I typically freeze the puree in containers, but I ran out of them, so I froze the rest in ziploc bags, and froze them flat on a baking sheet to save space, and store more easily.

New recipe tried - White Bean Turkey Pumpkin Chili (SkinnyTaste online).  There are no tomatoes in this chili.  We found this to lack flavor, so I added more chili pepper and some diced jalapenos.  

I have also saved some fresh puree for making pumpkin waffles.  There may be some cookies, muffins or other baked this coming week.

Tip:  Did you know you can use pumpkin in place of eggs, butter and oil, depending on what you are making?  There is a good article about it HERE.  I am thinking of trying the Pumpkin Alfredo recipe shared on that article.


  1. I put up pumpkin a couple of days ago. I also froze it in bags. I think we're going to have pumpkin pancakes for breakfast tomorrow.

  2. Debi, I just made some pancakes too. I used a buttermilk/Einkorn flour recipe. So good!


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