Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Cold Weather ~ Sage Tincture ~ Einkorn Pumpkin Muffins

 The water hoses (and I tell you, there are a lot) were all drained and put in storage, the camper winterized, and the last rosemary plant dug up and brought inside.  We had our first hard freeze now. It also snowed yesterday evening here.

I got one more jar of sage tincture started.  The tincture has come in handy for sore throats, and other uses.  Anyway, I was happy to have enough sage to use, prior to the hard freeze.

The most recent pumpkin recipe tried, was one using Einkorn flour.  If we make these again, I plan to cut the butter/sugar in half and try it that way too.  The recipe is on Jovial's site online I believe.


  1. I'm going to plant sage next year, by the time I thought about it, there were no seeds to be had.We had our 1st snowfall last night, here in NE Ohio.

  2. Faith, in the spring, you an also buy the plants. I have only had to re-plant mine once. I think I cut it back too much that year, but after that, my plants come back every year. Unlike rosemary, where I have to dig it up and bring it inside.


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