Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Zucchini Tortillas ~ Breakfast just got healthier


Yes, you can make foldable tortillas from zucchini!  It took me 3 times to get one right, although a bit toasty.  I followed a recipe I found online.  By the way, not all online recipes are accurate. The one above, although crisp around the side, still folded for a breakfast tortilla.

Here is what recipe I followed:

Zucchini Tortillas (Gluten-Free, Baked), by Alexandracooks

I used the exact ingredients.  You really do want your shredded zucchini very dry for these.

To make these 6-7 inches, I could only fit two on the parchment paper.  Recipe instructions state to use parchment paper.  Do NOT use parchment paper.  These stick to parchment and I was lucky to get this one off the paper to try.  By the way very delicious, and a great way to make a breakfast tortilla healthier.

Bake time on these?  12-15 minutes at 450°F.  You can see the parchment paper turned brown.  Anyway, the first two trays stuck (recipe says it makes 5).  Oh, and with my experimenting, I think I will try at 13 minutes with my oven.  The one that I made in the first photo was 15 minutes, the others were 12 and 13 minutes.

I then realized I own a silicone baking mat, and have never used it.  These tortillas come right off of a silicone baking mat!  Yay!  Now that I figured that out, I have another mat on order.  You can freeze these, according to the recipe.  I think I would layer something between them before freezing, like waxed paper maybe.

So there you have it.  My crazy brain finding more ways to eat zucchini before the season ends.  I used this recipe, to avoid white flour.  I think there is one with rice flour online, but these were good.  Due to crazy cooler weather here, my plants have shot up another foot.  I cannot believe how big they are this year.


  1. Have you heard of making a very thin crepe like egg to roll with stuffing in it? I haven’t tried it but it sounds promising.

    BTW I sent you an email with the picture of my canner box a while ago. I did two batches of Ball’s Zesty salsa yielding 17 pints, 5 pints of crushed tomatoes and I’ve got chicken stock finishing up in the slow cooker that I will can today. It’s been a busy couple of days.

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie, I have not tried that, but that does sound good. Thanks for the heads up on the email. I have been so busy I have not had time, nor remembered to check my email ha ha! You sound very busy too.

  3. You have way more patience and determination than I do! I would have given up on these. Glad you figured them out though!

  4. Debi, my husband laughed and said I was crazy, ha ha!


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