Friday, August 4, 2023

Chit Chat

 As usual, it's been chaotic, busy and full of surprises here lately.

Green peppers are looking good.  I just may get some stuffed ones in the freezer this year.  If I do get stuffed ones frozen, it will be a different recipe, and one without rice or cauliflower rice).  

Speaking of freezer, our "garage" fridge/freezer stopped working a few days ago.  I spent a good amount of my day cleaning it out.  

Zucchini gave me a break for a day.  We are typically getting something daily.  My husband has taking extras to work, and I took some to the library staff.  I gave up on anyone coming to our homestead to pick it up for free.  No one ever picks it up.

Blackberries are starting to turn color for picking.  No red raspberries for some reason this year.

Green/wax yellow beans are still producing, but look like they are about to let up.

I found myself a cleaning caddy.  Although I have not had a chance to get my cleaning stuff put in it, it was only $4.58!  I got a 15% discount, because I was with a daughter who had a store membership.  Big Lots of all places.  It is large enough to hold a box of borax, cleaning gloves and all the items I use here.

I finally found a pattern for a "hippie" beanie.  The one on the right.  I have had very little time to go to the library, but thankfully this book had one for fall projects (if tomatoes don't carry out too late this year).

Projects in limbo, and he keeps starting new ones:
-build raised beds, have half of the supplies
-install a window and AC, have half of the supplies
-build new coop, have half of the supplies
-home gym, still need gym flooring and new equipment
-dog fence (off the list until next year now)

Oh there are more in limbo than I can mention, ha ha!  Life happens.  Garden goodies happen.  Work happens.  


  1. I find it so hard to concentrate on "projects" at this time of the year. It's all garden, all day!

  2. Debi, that is exactly what I've been trying to tell my husband. He goes to work, and doesn't see who much the garden is work for me all day. Crazy busy this year.


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