Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Yanked the Pickling Cucumber Plants

 My summer days have been long, long, and long.  The heat left, and boy is it chilly outside this morning.  I could not believe it, after all these hot days.  It also makes me sad we have not gone camping one time this year, and it's already August.

Back to the thought of this post...

Did you know that when your cucumbers (or even squash) starts out looking nice, but then you see one end rotting and smaller, means that the bees did not pollinate it?  Interesting information for you today.  

I pulled all of my pickling cucumber plants, and sent all the remaining cucumbers with my husband to work.  We are done, done, done with those cucumbers.  I still have my other plants out there, and we have been making a greek cucumber salsa daily here.  

I am so stinkin' busy, and all I want is a day off.  Well, the zucchini gave me a day off.  I did not have one to pick, and we've been picking them every single day since the beginning of harvest.

I'm okay with that.  Between freezing corn, and the garden, and trying to keep the sink free of dirty dishes, I am overly stressed with garden goods.

I have a new cookbook, thanks to the wonderful harvest of green/wax beans this year.  I am sharing with a resident rodent, so who knows how much more we'll get.  I'm not sure if it's the work of a chipmunk or small rabbit, that is not setting off my motion sensors.

We have a slight chance of rain this morning.  I hope we get something.  The tomatoes look parched.

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