Monday, July 31, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

 We had a very bad storm come thru last Friday.  The wind was so bad, that it broke some of my tomato stakes at ground level.  Thankfully, the plants were not up-rooted, but those all had to be re-staked and tied again.  The tomatoes are starting to turn red here.

Several tree limbs came down, so those need taken care of soon.  Thankfully, no other damage here.

Surprisingly, the ground was, what I call "walkable" Saturday, so I have been able to pick vegetables daily.  It rained quite a bit, but with this heat, the ground really soaked it up.

We are eating green beans almost daily here.  I whipped up a one pan dinner with ground beef, green beans, seasoning, and some cheeses.  

I canned a new dill (sliced) pickle recipe from my BHG canning cookbook.  I'm done with pickles for the season.

I tried a new Greek cucumber salsa recipe, and we love it!  I had to buy the grape tomatoes, but yesterday I got one ripe tomato from the garden later in the evening.

I used zucchini, yellow squash, and green bell pepper from the garden to make a sheet pan dinner.  The zucchini  plants have slowed down a bit.

Thankfully, I put laundry on the line over the weekend, so I don't have to deal with that for a few days.  I have not seen much of my husband, as he worked 3rd (night) shift all weekend.  Today will interesting.  He'll be home sleeping, and I will want a radio on for kitchen work.  

I tried zucchini chips in the dehydrator.  We are not fans of it.  Maybe if they are cooked in the oven?  I have found yet another way to utilize our zucchini.  Once I have a bit of free time in the kitchen, I will share if it all works out and tastes good.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I will link up when she posts today.

The weather . . .

80's all week.  Sunny.

As I look outside my window . . .

The sun is shining, and I am running later than normal.

Right now I am . . .

Drinking coffee to get this blog post posted.  

Thinking and pondering . . .

Thinking of pulling my pickling cucumber plants, and the zucchini and yellow squash.  I have put up enough, and I think it's time to retire the plants, or some of them anyway.  I'm also considering pulling some green bean plants.  I have put up what we need, and stilling harvesting them almost daily.

Listening to . . .

80's rock n' roll

How I am feeling . . .

Good.  I am starting week 4 of my intentional exercise.  It's been an adjustment, but so far so good.

On the breakfast plate . . .

I have no idea yet.  I do have a green bell pepper from the garden to use.

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing.  Any evening free time has been knitting or crochet (and that time has been limited)

On my TV this week . . .

Anything on Netflix.

On the menu . . .

Lately, the menu is based on whatever is harvested from the garden (eating what is in season, including breakfast).

-chicken teriyaki with homemade sauce, green beans 

Looking around the house . . .

Saw horses and the drop cloth are still in my living room, awaiting to paint doors (not happening very soon ha ha!)

I have zucchini, cucumbers and corn to take care of.  The kitchen is a hot mess right now.  I have two more dozen ears of corn to shuck (after I freeze the first batch).

On the to-do list . . .

-Freeze corn off the cob
-Make a breakfast
-Yank all National Pickling cucumber plants from the garden, we are done with them for the season
-Check the garden for anything that needs picked
-Check library due dates
-Figure out what dinner will be
-make more cucumber salsa
-water flower beds
-water porch pots
-water house plants

All outdoor building projects are on hold.  All extreme clean indoor work is on hold.  House renovations are also on hold.

From the camera . . .

Yesterday's garden haul.  I brought in one red tomato later.  I also brought in fresh dill for the cucumber salad dressing.

Prayers . . .

Thank you for your prayers for Daughter K.  She is on medication, and monitoring her blood pressure, but no explanation on why it spiked all of the sudden.


  1. Looks like you will have a good harvest. Fresh food! Enjoy your week

  2. Luludou, thanks, it has been a pretty good year for us.


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