Sunday, August 6, 2023

Garden Pickings ~ New Fridge ~ Rain Moves In


Saturday's pickings.  I did not look at the green beans.  I will today if there is a break in the rain.  The beans are about done for the season.  The yellow squash went bananas overnight, so there will (or should be) a squash casserole on the menu.

We borrowed a trailer to go pick up a "like new" refrigerator, and when we got there, we realized we needed help.  It had to be taken down stairs (on a trailer), that came out and went sideways.  We took the trailer home, and then the boys said they needed the trailer, so no trailer, no help.

Frustrated, we then rented a trailer from TSC ($14.00 for a half day), so that was not too bad.  However, all of my husband's family were busy with a cookout, and everyone else we could think of was busy.  

We literally moved that fridge by ourselves.  It was a lot of work, but it is not a giant full size one either.  Anyway, we got that loaded and unloaded, old one moved out, by ourselves.  We were exhausted by the evening last night.  However, mowing had to be done, with the rain moving in too.

I cleaned the old fridge out using the water hose (that was a hoot) in the driveway, and put it out by the road for free scrap.  It would have been so much easier at our age, to buy new, have it delivered, and old one removed for us.  However, the price of a new one is outrageous.  Newer ones don't last as long as the older ones either.  We think our older one was older than 17 plus years, as we got it used.  Anyway, that issue as been all resolved.

We believe we would benefit with owning a trailer.  It is on the wish list now, but we'll continue to check local sales first.

Oh, I have to share this.  On Friday, I was out picking green beans, and had just finished.  I went to stand up, and a deer flew out of the woods, running directly at where I was in the garden.  Never in all the years living here, has that happened.  I, of course, screamed in shock, and it took off in another direction.  

The sky here is dark, and stormy, so I am betting we'll get more rain.  We literally have no back up plan for today.  I guess we were hoping it would not last all day, and get some work done outside.  Our plan for today, was to weed the front flower bed, and start on the new coop.  If it rains all day long, that is not going to happen.

I don't lack garden work inside today.  I have some green beans to trim and clean, some zucchini to freeze or cook, and of course the yellow squash.  I have some red tomatoes, so I will make more of the Greek cucumber salsa as well.


  1. It never fails that help is unavailable when you really need it. I hope the rain subsided so that you could get some of your outdoor projects done. Have a great week!

  2. Thanks Debi, we have been so behind in some projects around here.


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