Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Zucchini Season ~Zucchini Hummus ~ Chocolate Chip Einkorn Zucchini Bread ~ Ham and Egg Breakfast Cups


We are blessed with a good harvest of zucchini this year.  The rain and bees are doing their jobs wonderfully.  We have had a poor harvest the last few years.

Tip: When freezing shredded zucchini, drain in cheesecloth and squeeze out water before freezing.  It will help reduce a mushy thaw when needed for baking.  

I wore out my first cheese grater, so I replaced it with one that will also shred/slice some vegetables.  It worked great for the zucchini.

Delicious!  I may try other recipes, but this was a new recipe, and I did not even know you could make hummus with zucchini.  The recipe did not say to shred and squeeze out water.  It said to chop and toss in a food processor.  It is somewhat on the runny side, so next time I will shred and squeeze the water out for a thicker hummus.  I can then use it on sandwiches etc.

Jovial's recipe, and it's online.  My batter and bread did not look anything like their photos, but it tastes great!  I did not use the 1 cup sugar.  I used 1/3 cup monkfruit, and it was so good.  My husband has been begging for zucchini bread, so he got a healthier version.  He said it is a bit "dry" to the taste.  I may try tweaking the recipe for a more moist bread (with einkorn flour).

We haven't found good organic ham since 2020.  I found some low sodium organic slices, and made egg cups for the first time.  I think I would use parchment cups next time.  Even though I oiled the pan, I had to scrub and scrub to clean it.


  1. Hmmm... I have some zucchini in the freezer from last year's harvest and now I want some zucchini bread! Have a great day!

  2. Debi, I am loving our zucchini harvest this year. Have a great day as well.

  3. Kristina, I can't help you with grains. I have an ileostomy and fiber is not my friend. I made zuchinni fingers with parmesan cheese last night, and we are enjoying tomatoes, cucumbers, plums and cherries. Yes, I agree, it feels wonderful to sit on a hot day and enjoy a plate of cantaloupe, watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. No cooking necessary. We have cut our meals down in size and calories. We feel better but bad habits are hard to break. Keep on with the big clean/purge and enjoy all the little successes along the way! ~jackiesee~

  4. Jackie See, our tomatoes and cucumbers are on, but nothing ready to harvest here yet. Sounds like your garden is doing great.


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