Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits

 We did get rain over the weekend, followed by some cooler nights, so I had to give the garden a few days to dry up a bit.

Grab a cup of java.  I tend to get chatty some days, ha ha!  It's probably a boring post as well.  

On the inside of the homestead, there has been much work being done on the utility room purge.

The Before. . .

Pattern purge.  Oh my....had several binders of craft instructions from when I took part of MOPS.  Ha!  That is a group of Moms with preschoolers.  Good gravy!

Two cupboards above cubbies were cleaned and lined.

Painted the added trim.  I used leftover door paint from the kitchen bathroom repairs/renovation project.

Broke out the label machine to properly label binders.

Saving these to possibly help organize the garage, when we start that purge/re-organization project.  Here, all those years I thought I was keeping my yarn organized.  Ha!  I was creating more space to store more I think.  Not anymore.  My focus, is to use up that yarn this summer. It was mostly all cotton yarn.

The yarn filled an oversized shopping bag!

I revisited the binders.  It was long over due.  I found I had re-printed some patterns, thinking I lost them and they were just filed in other binders.  

I think I tossed out about 4-5 of the binders (they were all recycled binders from the kids when they were in school), purged a lot of craft and other patterns, and put about 4-5 in the donation stuff.  I have more to purge, so the binder project is not over with just yet. 

There is one binder that is all Christmas crafting - magazine pages, printed patterns, old magazines etc.  It will take the longest to purge.  I loved to participate in the kids classroom holiday parties, and always made something new for the kiddos.  It's time to purge/toss!  

I emptied, and removed all those containers of yarn.  

The Pharmacy door trim was painted, and door installed.  I completely cleaned the cupboard above the coat cubbie , and my pattern books are being moved to there.  All the kids games were removed and put in the donation items as well.  I can't work in that room all day long.  It has no windows, and is off of a hallway, so it gets very little AC in there.  A fan helps, but it gets pretty warm when you are zipping around working.

I have much more to clean, but making some progress in there.  That cubbie with the new door needs purged and cleaned.  

Today will be a hot one in the 90's.  I need to check my raspberry bushes first thing this morning, and get some tomato plants weeded.  The rain may be returning.  I say "may" because the forecast changes constantly here.


  1. purging is good. I've got myself pretty pared down, soap & candles, and fabric/sewing in small tubs from Hobby Lobby. The yarn is confined to a drawer so it won't overflow, donated some. Thread is in the tinker basket. I've got myself on a tight leash for spending without discretion. Looking forward to the fall. Not a fan of summer, except where my garden is concerned. That is pretty shelf paper.

  2. Faith, I haven't gone thru this stuff since the kids were little, so it is a long time needed. I am saving the work in there for another rainy day.


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