Thursday, July 13, 2023

Just the Bits

Our egg basket has been looking a bit empty lately.  I have been using them a lot more, so I hope the newbies start laying soon.

The garden is producing, but the red raspberries don't look that great this year.  The blackberries are loaded, so I'm hoping my bird netting will keep the birds out.

It is such a relieving, happy, and glorious feeling to walk out and pick something fresh, and not have to get in the truck and drive to the store and spend hard earned money on our vegetables.  I am already making a list of what to plant next year  (for one, adding English type cucumbers, if you have a favorite organic/heirloom variety please do share).  If things go good this month, we may have new raised beds built for fall planting.

I tried a new recipe to accommodate zucchini into our meal - Roasted Chickpea Salad.  Recipe is online with Green Healthy Cooking.  I made my own homemade ras el hanout seasoning (no sugar) using a recipe online from AllRecipes.  Although, homemade is easily done and less expensive, the real seasoning contains many more ingredients like ginger.  

We really liked the new recipe, and it uses 2 zucchini in the recipe.  I thought it would be too much for the two of us, but it went fast.  I may be looking for a resource for the organic seasoning, or just stick with homemade.  A great way to use up seasonal zucchini.  Oh, and this salad can be a main meal or side dish, and eaten hot or cold.  Add salmon or other meat if desired.

(source:  Vita-cost)

The recipe called for farro, and it was completely out, so I used quinoa in our salad.  I'm wondering how the Jovial einkorn wheat berries would taste in this recipe.  I have yet to even try these.  I have to order them online, as our stores do not sell them.  

Has anyone tried these?  Do you like the taste?  How do they compare to farro?  Any good online resource other than Vita-cost?  They are $5.99 plus shipping in their online store.  I don't place an order until I have a discount code with free shipping involved (and a list of re-order items to re-stock).



  1. I’m envious of your squash! We let go of our community garden plot this yet. For various reasons, it had become too much work and no longer fun. The spot in our yard where I planted squash does not get enough sun. Oops. I’m going to have to re-think this for next year.

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie C. I think I need a weed garden around here for medicinal plants, but I have no idea where to put it. I will have to think on that. We did not get half of what we wanted planted in the garden this year. We bought supplies to build new raised beds, and with his work schedule it was delayed, and continues to be delayed. I am thankful for what we did get planted though.


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