Sunday, July 2, 2023

This and That

We were out pricing a new AC, so we stopped at JoAnn's to check on a crochet hook price.  Wow!  Their prices were much higher than Wal-mart (who was sold out of what I was looking for).  I found that our area Meijer had them, and less expensive than Wal-mart.  No big news, but I was shocked at the high prices at JoAnn's (also much higher than on Amazon).

I am always saying I wish they would put a store back in our hometown, but I'm not sure.  Hobby Lobby was built at one point, putting JoAnn's out of business, then later the Hobby Lobby closed.

Cute bags at store!  I didn't check the price.  We had plans to actually eat breakfast out at a diner, but found them closed for the holiday.  Apparently, many places are closed this weekend to celebrate the holiday.

We are getting lots of rain right now.  If it's dry enough this morning, I'll head out to tie up more tomato plants.  My husband is already asking about zucchini meals ha ha!  Soon, I told him.  Soon.  We have a Mediterranean salad we'd like to try, as well as just enjoy the garden goodies. 

Speaking of Mediterranean style dining, I found it odd, that our Meijer had zero cookbooks on their shelves.  I decided to order books from the library instead.  I just need some fresh ideas.  My husband's doctor told him to think "Mediterranean dishes" when he eats.  He also wants him to work out with intentional cardio and weight lifting.  We have the home gym in motion, but could use an exercise bike, and of course gym flooring.

We are not in a hurry for the spare bedroom to be done, but the floor is first.  The gym is more important right now.  He climbs ladders at work, and I push a wheelbarrow and tiller, but we both need intentional exercise.  We are both looking forward to it, to be honest.

We didn't do anything special for the 4th this weekend.  We can literally see all sorts of fireworks from our front porch.  Despite the rain, there were still many last night.

On a very sad note, and this is why I do not like to be on roads during the holidays, a person was killed yesterday in my hometown.

A drunk driver (day time), somehow created an accident in the roadway downtown,  putting his truck up on a sidewalk and into a tree.  He ran over a person on a bicycle, killing the person.

I am up a bit later than usual, but letting my husband sleep in.  He doesn't know it yet, but I have a honey-do list for today, ha ha!  I'm hoping to get even a few items checked off.  There is much to be painted yet, and I think we decided on a color for the remaining doors, 6 downstairs for now, not including exterior painting for other doors.  He is just now getting used to being home on the weekends, and tends to want to stay home. I'm going to take advantage of that ha ha!


  1. I am limited to a Walmart that serves 4 rural farming communities and an Air Force Base.. otherwise we have to drive into Spokane... and my hubby and I do not dare to leave our little town during this holiday time...

    I wish you were my neighbor,, I have a whole bunch of assorted size crochet hooks I would gladly give you... I honestly am crochet challenged,, aka I have 3 thumbs and 5 pointers lol!

    Have a lovely and safe 4th of July and a bountiful garden.

  2. Katmom, I have at least a 25 minute drive to get to any big box store from where we live. We are staying home too. Thanks, wishing you a lovely 4th of July as well.


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