Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's a doozy of a post today, ha ha!  I cut part of the post out, and will post it tomorrow.

I took advantage of the holiday weekend sales, and finally ordered a sheer, double rod curtain, for the side door.  My Mom was always upset people could see directly in ha ha!     I already have the new rods, so I am looking forward to that update being done.

As for the "honey-do" list for these rainy days, we got the walk-in closet inside trim back up,  moved an antique desk from utility room (put there during renovations) to the spare room upstairs, along with the newly painted bookshelf, the last ceiling fan installed, ceiling paint touched up, camper items put in camper for the season, and started on rectifying the utility room.

Before:  Desk buried, with pharmacy door buried.

The utility room was originally the back of the house, so it was an addition before we moved in.  I unburied the desk and gave it a good cleaning.  I already had a nice chair upstairs for it.  I will cover it all with a sheet for now (upstairs).

I tossed out two large paper mache art projects collecting dust, found a shoe box of check book copies, got rid of the board games to the kids, donated one board game, started another box for donations, washed up our rain coats, some doilies, and stuff to donate.  My husband said, "oh we could play Scrabble" and I just laughed.   We haven't played it for over 14 years. 

 That is the problem with cupboards that don't go all the way to the ceiling.  Stuff like games and kids art projects get stored there.  I'll admit the deer is very life like, but if she didn't take it with her, it gets tossed.  We can't save everything.

My husband wasn't happy with his honey-do list, but with a full day of rain in the forecast, I made sure we stayed on track.  However, by 2:30pm, we did not get one drop of rain, and he was upset for not going on a motorcycle ride.  It was very, very humid out, and the rain eventually arrived.

He is already making his own to-do list, as we talked about the fact some projects were sitting un-done and becoming an eye-sore.  We are on the right track to getting it all looking spiffy around here.

Once I get the rest of the floor cleaned up in the utility room, I'll be starting back on this project:

Our handy man put the outside trim on to make it fit, now I will need to paint that trim, and have the door finally installed.  I'll share the story behind this door in another post.

New Recipe Tried:

It's a ground turkey/quinoa casserole (online at, and suggested toppings of fresh tomatoes, and snipped green onion from the herb garden.  I'll admit, this was a lot of ground turkey and quinoa, but we like it.   The one thing I will do next time, is add more spices/herbs to it.  I would add more spinach to it as well.  It was good, and has 4 cloves of garlic, but we both felt it needed just a bit more flavor.  It's very healthy, and can be frozen. 

I think other toppings would be good on this as well.  I'd try it with freshly made salsa on top.  Hm.  Maybe I'll add jalapeno to the dish next time.  It's a nice recipe to make if you have any leftover quinoa as well.

Popcorn was a fail crop this year.  The drought may be the problem, so that area of the garden is going to be tilled up.  We got 5 stalks in 4 rows.  First time to have a fail popcorn crop.  Did you have a fail in your garden this year?

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. I will link up when she posts.

The weather . . .
Hot, humid, and raining.  I'm pretty sure it's too wet in the garden for any work.

As I look outside my window . . .
There is a haze in the air, and the sun is trying to shine, but rain is in the forecast.  There is little to no traffic.  The weekend traffic was crazy going by here.

Right now I am . . .
Writing my to-do's for the day, and sipping coffee, slowly getting my energy to get a start on this day.  We worked very hard yesterday, and I was exhausted by dinner time.

Thinking and pondering . . .
If the garden is too wet to walk in today, and if the heat dries it up by morning, the plan may be to spend the 4th of July in the tomato patch, followed by an full afternoon of purging the garage.  It's all weather permitting of course.  The garage organizing is long over due, and one daughter may be visiting, which would be perfect for her to go through all the Christmas totes she left in the garage.

Listening to . . .
80's rock

How I am feeling . . .
Exhausted from yesterday, but pleased with our progress.  It's strange to have the weekend with my husband, then for him to get up to go to work for one day, then have another day off.  I'll take it.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm just wondering why his company just didn't let them have Monday and Tuesday off.  Most places around here are closed.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Cheddar and Chili Egg Casserole

On the lunch plate . . .

Leftover dinner from last night - Ground Turkey/Quinoa Casserole, topped with fresh tomato and some snipped green onions from the herb garden.

On the dinner plate . . .
No idea just yet.  Possibly cauliflower crust pizzas with home canned pizza sauce.

What I am wearing . . .
Still in pajamas, taking today a bit slower than yesterday. 

What I am reading . . .
Switching to this book, as I picked it up from the library.  I picked up a crochet book, because I am looking for a "hippie" beanie pattern (hat).  The library really reduced their selection, so I have to order from other libraries.

On my TV . . .
Older movies on Netflix

On the menu . . .
-Buffalo Chicken Meatballs, Quinoa, and
-Cauliflower crust homemade pizza with veggies and home canned pizza sauce
-chicken fajitas

Looking around the house . . .

To-do list . . .
-pay a few bills
-clean both bathrooms
-sweep and mop floors
-water porch pots
-check zucchini

Extreme Clean this week:

 -put all these patterns back in the binder.  It may take all week, depending on days I get to work outside, but they have been like this since we removed the carpet from our bedroom and closet.  It's time to get them in their home.

-working in the utility room now, and trust me it is over due.  I had it clean and spic and span, then we started repairing and renovating.  Everything was boxed and moved to other rooms, and I found two more boxes of stuff in the utility room that were from the living room repairs.  

From the camera . . .

I used leftover door paint from the bathroom remodel, and it turned out great!  Love it!  We put it in the spare bedroom.  

Devotional, Bible Verse, Prayers . . .
Prayers for the family of the deceased man on the bicycle (see yesterday's post).  He was 60 years old, and riding his bicycle on the sidewalk.



  1. The bookcase looks great! I’m constantly running out of book space even though I use the library a lot.

    You could add some corn, black beans, chopped peppers, and cumin and oregano to your turkey mix. It would turn the mixture into something like taco filling.

    If you haven’t read “Lessons in Chemistry,” you should try to get it from your library. It’s been on the best seller list for weeks and it’s a good book too 😉

    -Katie C.

  2. Katie, thank you! We love the new look, and so glad we kept it and painted it. I will check out that book right now while I am on the computer. Thanks.

  3. Complete fail on our yellow plum tree this year . Not one plum last year it was covered. We are having a dry summer here in the uk

  4. Nicola, I sure hope you get some rain soon. We just went through a drought here, and finally getting rain, but too late for the popcorn this year.

  5. Looks like you got lots of stuff done! The only thing actually doing good in our garden this year is cucumbers. I did buy some more starts at the store over the weekend, keep reminding myself spring was super late around here. Hope you have a great holiday and wonderful week!

  6. Thanks Jean, we are very happy with the purge and organizing this year.

  7. Love the bookcase! You are getting alot done... I wonder when the children will get ALL their things out of our houses ;)
    Have a great week

  8. Thanks Luludou, we do love it. So glad I painted it. I won't be painting the desk, as it's an antique and from family.


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