Saturday, July 1, 2023

Garden ~ Travel Hack for Cutting Yarn (or other string)


Bad photo, but the tomatoes are on, and so are the peppers and squash.  I got a good 2 1/2 hours in the garden, and it's looking pretty good despite the lack of recent attention.

Thunderstorms are moving in today and will stay with us over the weekend.

Tip when you are in a pinch:

I typically keep nail clippers in all our vehicles, which come in handy.  I can use them to cut yarn when I forgot to pack my "emergency" kit or accidently take it out of the vehicle and forgot to return it. 

I put one under the seat in each vehicle.  Anyway...

I just found out if you are traveling, the part where you break off your dental floss, can also cut your yarn?  I gave it a try.  It works folks!    Of course, if you are packing dental floss on your trip like this one.  I tried cotton and acrylic yarn.  Both cut easily, but I would only do this in a pinch.  I would think if you counted on using it all the time traveling, it will dull at some point.  Anyway, in a pinch tip!  Would work for fishing line too I would think.

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