Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Moving along and tossing out. . .

There is nothing to harvest in the garden, but the rain is speeding that process up for us.  I know that I will be very busy out there when it dries up ha ha!  However, the rainy days are speeding up my indoor progress.  

Sorry if these cleaning/purging posts are boring.  It was a long time coming.  The big purge/clean.  This is a long post, so you may want to grab a cup of coffee, ha ha!

 My indoor purge/clean up is moving along.  I checked off another area off my clean it list, so that leaves two more areas.  

I will need the assistance of my husband for the last two, as it involves putting some tools and fix-it items away.  The garage will get a complete do-over this year.  It's just not on the "do it now" list.

Anyway, at one point in my early life, I was really into freelance writing.  I had articles published and kept articles in files.  I still had poems I wrote at a kid growing up.  I tossed those.  We got a chuckle out of some of the poems, but I can't believe I still had those.

In that box, and I kid you not, was a bag with brand new rolls of crepe paper for our youngest daughter's grad party (that never happened).  It was still in my office when we packed up the entire office area in the kitchen to cut up the floor and repair it over a year ago.  

It's all been boxed up to donate, tossed, or filed in the right place. 

Like I said, I didn't want to handle stuff twice, so I am cleaning/purging it all as if I was moving.  I ask myself, "would I move this to a new home" and it really helps the deciding factor.  Toss it, donate it, sell it, or give it away free.

I have "divorced" myself from so many craft supplies, and to be honest, it feels great.

I have heard from the recovery place, where I donated my craft supplies.  The women are knitting blankets to gift family when they visit, they are making jewelry, and they used wall paper samples to cover binders.  I'm so happy they are enjoying the supplies and finding uses for it all.

Stay tuned!  We both finally had a conversation about this bookshelf.  I bought it almost 12-13 years ago for $15 at the thrift store.  It was used for craft supplies until now.  It is solid wood, so we decided to keep it and paint it with whatever paint we have on hand, and put it in the spare bedroom upstairs.  

Just ignore the dust, but look at that new growth on Mom's cactus!  I will give it a shower when it gets watered again.

Our youngest daughter has left her career as hair stylist/nail tech.  It became too difficult in the financial world, and she has already started a new job and loves it.  She may go back to hair down the road, but in this world and day and age, you need a steady partner in your life to support that sort of job.  We are proud of her regardless.


  1. Kristina, you are moving right along! That's a good analogy comparing your work to moving! I literally spend several hours a month wiping down just the kitchen chair legs! I wish your daughter well on her new adventure and hope she reaches her goals. Hairdressing is hard work, especially on your hands and feet. Darn air conditioners, they always break when they are needed most, glad to hear yours is cooling you finally. We are expecting 107degrees F today. Even our ponds are hot. We had to turn on our well this week to add some cold and oxygenated water to keep our fish healthy. Normally we would do this about mid-late July, so this is early. Well, thank you for the visit, keep moving!! ~jackiesee~

  2. Jackie, wow that is very warm temperatures. We are to get into the 90's, and the air here is terrible again. I am so thankful for the filters on the AC so I can breathe inside the house safely.

  3. Congratulations to your daughter on her new job. I hope she enjoys it. You are really making such good progress with your purging. One of these days I am going to tackle my craft room and do some purging... hopefully this winter when I have to be inside!

  4. Debi, I wouldn't normally have time to purge in summer, but I'm taking advantage of rainy days and bad air quality days to get stuff done indoors.


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