Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Rain and Storms and Rainy Day Indoor Cleaning/Organizing

 Thankfully my husband got the AC back up and running.  Whew!  We will have to replace it next year for sure.  

It's been raining, hot and humid here the last few days.  We are thankful for the rain, but could do less with the tornado warnings or watch alerts.

I took a quick look at the garden, and I will definitely need to tie up tomato plants on the next dry day.  Everything is looking good however, other than the popcorn and spring planted garlic.  Some of my newly planted Gladys in the flower bed are now coming up too.  I'll definitely be busy weeding and tilling on the next dry day.

The upstairs AC was installed, and we are pricing new units for next year (don't want to end up without AC again).  

I brought down two trash bags full of stuff left from one daughter, and there is more to bring down.  I'm starting on the flooring in that room this week ( or next week ).

A dozen crocheted hats were spilling over on a bookshelf in the living room.  Along with the recent scarf I finished, and a few crocheted flower pots (still need the leaf coasters made).  Anyway, that was all put away, but honestly, I think the finished items take up more space to store than the yarn itself ha ha!  Oh boy.  

We actually talked about a camping trip, and we even sat down to check dates.  It didn't happen.  The next 3 weeks are all booked at all the campgrounds we go to.  I will have to do some looking around at other ones maybe, but for now, camping is not happening.

I apologize.  I think I accidently deleted a comment on my post for the garlic scape/radish spread.  I must have been coffee depleted while working on the blog.

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