Thursday, June 29, 2023

Miserable Air Quality ~ Einkorn Pancakes ~ Bare Shelves Shopping ~ New Recipe Tried: Einkorn Banana Muffins


We are once again getting unhealthy air quality reports.  I wanted to be out weeding the herb garden, but could not.  The air was that thick with smoke haze from the Canadian fires.

It's this bad again today, maybe even worse.  My husband told me to stay indoors again, no matter the condition of the garden (s).  Late last night, when the chickens were put in for the night, the air smelled like a fireplace.

I'm dealing with a dry sore throat, burning eyes, and partial laryngitis.  Everyone I talk to is experiencing the same or worse.  Never in our lives, have we ever lived through something like this.

I finally found a recipe for Einkorn pancakes that makes a smaller batch.  Recipe is from Jovial online.  I thawed some frozen blueberries and swapped sugar (only 2 Tbsp) for coconut sugar and they were delicious.  It's a keeper, and a great way to add those blueberries in the day.    It's been a long time since I've made Einkorn pancakes, so note to self:  store leftovers with a sheet of parchment paper between them or they stick together.  

I hardly ever shop at Wal-mart, but we went out recently to look at rechargeable sweepers, and decided to pick up some items while we were there.  I needed mozzarella cheese, and they had very little block cheese.  I guess I'll stick with my regular grocery store.  I could not believe how empty the shelves were.

My husband always makes fun of me for not getting all of my bananas eaten (he doesn't prefer them for a fruit choice).  I, once again, had some go ripe.  I hate to freeze them, as I tend to completely forget they are in the freezer.

I tried a new recipe using Einkorn flour and quick steel cut oats.  Recipe is online by the way.  Zero sugar in these banana muffins.  Very good too!  Recipe is from Indulge with Mimi, and you'll need to do some conversions with the recipe.


  1. We have a smokey day today too, but not as bad as what you have. We do have a health warning to wear a mask if you are outside though. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I love banana muffins... they are my favorite. I hope you get to enjoy some of your weekend.

  2. I'm sorry to hear you've been having problems with the smoke. That's miserable. Is there any kind of respirator mask that helps? Definitely sounds like stay indoors conditions. Did all that rain help any?

  3. Leigh, the rain helped the garden, but the last two days the air quality was terrible. We are told to just stay inside. I mentioned getting some sort of mask to work outside, but the garden was still wet.

  4. Debi, not sure any mask would help us here, unless it covered our eyes too. I'm so happy to have my husband home this weekend, but ha! Rain of things is in the forecast again. We don't lack indoor work, but the garden really needs weeded and tomato plants tied up again.


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