Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tuesday Tidbits

 Due to a "stop and drop" that we did on Sunday, so we could go do something fun for ourselves, work rolled into the week full blown.  By stop and drop, I mean stop working, and drop the tools and go do something fun.

We are getting great weather for clothesline drying, so that is a bonus, but it's been one of those weeks.  In order to take the laundry outside, I had to go get the leaf blower and blow all the helicopters (from the maple tree) off the back patio, so I didn't drag them back inside.  It has been a start to the week like that - have to do something before I can do the actual job on the to-do list kind of week.

More spring blooms.


If you own a cordless, rechargeable stick vacuum, with detachable handheld vacuum (with canister on top), which do you recommend?  We are almost carpet free.

I have searched reviews for days now, and I like the black and decker, but the reviews are not good.  I really don't want a Dyson.  I would prefer not to shop on Amazon either.  

I may just have to venture out and check Lowes, Menards, Home Depot and such, and I may have to just buy a good hand held vacuum separately.   Any thoughts?  I am looking for one to handle the whole house and one that can stand up on it's own (no screws in our walls to hold it up off the floor).

2.  Does anyone have a good homemade sourdough sandwich bread recipe?  The kind I can bake in a bread pan not a round dutch oven?


  1. I’m interested in the stick vac too so please post your results. Sometimes it’s just such a chore to drag out the heavy vac but with two house cats and two slobby people, we make a mess 🤣

  2. 3 years ago we bought an INSE through Amazon and have been pleased with it. Good customer service as well.

  3. Good for you! I bet the fun and sunshine energized your body!! I have a 5 year old dyson re-chargeable made for pets. It was half off during a black friday sale and I only paid $150. I have replaced the battery ($24) and will probably order my first new filter this summer. I got it all from walmart on-line. I use it everyday, sometimes twice a day. We are outdoor people with animals so I suck up a lot of fine dust and grass clippings. It came with a wall mount as it does not stand by itself. It is the only quick vacuum I have ever had so I know nothing about other brands. It is very handy and sure beats brooms or swiffers. I also have a 10 year old rainbow vacuum, that I love. What I love about both vacuums is that they go under furniture and in between kitchen chairs, etc. I have had to replant most of my herbs, the darn rain beat them just as they were coming out of the ground. I am planting more flowers in my garden this year to attract pollinators. I can not believe the price of plants!!! Our mom and pop nurseries have pretty much closed and only leaving us the big box garden centers. Thank you for the info on the grow bags, I have patio tomatoes growing in them. I put the grow bags into a flower pot so that it looked like a patio plant and I have it on rollers so that I can push it out of the way when I need to. Fingers crossed!! Well, keep us informed on the garden progress and care, I like to learn from others! Keep on with the home redo progress as well. ~jackiesee~

  4. Katie C, we are almost entirely carpet free now, so only one more room to remove carpet. Then we won't need the big sweeper, so I'm looking into other options.

  5. Jackie, thanks, I will be looking up both sweepers. We are pet free for now, but will consider getting a dog after all the house renovations are done.


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