Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Tiller is Down and Hens Being Punks

Today's post is photo free, and short and simple. 

The tiller took a poo.  It's going to take some serious repairs.  I've been hand hoeing out any weeds, that are popping up in the garden.  Not good timing as we just paid a fortune to get the truck out of the transmission repair place. 

Do you ever have one of those days where you are just not into the garden to-do list, and want to "throw in the towel?"  I had one of those days yesterday.  I still got out there, but I know I was not as productive as I should have been.  It's also dry here now, so it's more difficult to dig out weeds.

I have disassembled my garden start rack(and lights), but it has yet to make it's way to the barn.  I'm waiting on the bee removal service to come give us an estimate.  These are not honey bees, before anyone gets upset.  They are big bumble type bees.  Did you know there are actually two types of them?  Anyway, we have a swarm here this year, making it impossible to get to my "garden barn."

My herb seeds are starting to sprout, despite the lack of rain here.  My indoor cilantro plant looks terrible.  My basil is doing great.  I will put it outside later today and see if the good ol' sunshine will perk it up.

My oldest Araucana is being a punk to my littles.  I have to scold her constantly now.    I have had some short conversations with her lately.  She better straighten up.  Today all of the older hens went after the littles.  

On the handiwork front. . .

I finally found some more Heather Grey for the current blanket.  Not that I have time every day, but I really didn't want to buy more.  I'm thinking of making a new project, but for gifting purposes for someone in October of this year.  I have to check my yarn supply on that.


  1. If you figure out how to get your chicken to listen, let me know! Critters have minds of their own.

    Sounds like your garden is off to a rough start. Some years are really discouraging.

  2. Leigh, thanks for the laugh. The hens are really being bullies lately. I have to let the littles out for a few hours before the hens. They are ensured some free time without the pecking and bullying.

    Yeah, this year is much different than last year, when it's coming to the garden.


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